Enemies of the Heir - 14

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Not eager to see Draco again, I spent the majority of the day with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Harry and Ron left for their detention, but I continued to stay with Hermione until dinner.

Thankfully, as I headed to the table, I noticed Draco sitting with the rest of the Quidditch team. We looked at each other with slight glares as I found a spot next to Daphne.

Daphne filled me in on the Slytherin news I missed. The entire common room had heard all about me slapping Draco once the team had come back from practice. Most students just enjoyed it for the gossip, but the Slytherin team was taking Draco's side, and Pansy had threatened to hex me. I didn't find that surprising.

As I finished dinner, I noticed Hermione and Ron get up and leave the great hall. It seemed Harry had never been to dinner.

Curious, I excused myself and went after them. "What's going on?" I asked them.

Hermione answered me. "Harry was supposed to be out of detention hours ago. We're going to try to look for him."

"I'll help you," I said. "Where was he supposed to take detention?"

We took a set of steps as Ron answered, "McGonagall said he was answering Lockhart's fan mail." I could hear almost hear his eyes rolling.

"That's a punishment?" I asked surprised.

Hermione laughed. "That's what I thought."

We continued along another corridor. As we turned a corner, Hermione nearly ran head-on into him. "Harry!" she said, relieve to have finally found him.

"Did you hear it?" he asked us, a wide panicked look in his eye. The expression left me unsettled.

"Hear what?" Ron asked.

Harry looked around. "That voice."

"What voice?" I asked. We all looked around, but Hermione and Ron didn't seem to hear a voice and neither did I.

Continuing to look up and down the corridor, Harry elaborated. "I heard it first in Lockhart's office, and then again just--" he stopped and froze as if listening to something. "It's moving. I think it's going to kill." He ran passed us.

"Kill!?" Ron and I said simultaneously as we all ran after him.

Harry hit the end of the hall, stopping to look left and right before finally deciding to head right. It gave us enough time to catch up to him.

He stopped, holding out his arm to stop us. He looked down at the ground. A hoard of spiders scurried along the wall, running singled file up the wall out of a hole in the ornate window.

"Strange," Harry said, "I've never seen spiders act like that."

"I don't like spiders," Ron said with a shrill voice that unveiled his terror.

"Me, neither," I added, my tone unintentionally matching his.

Ron turned his head to look away from the spiders. I watched as his eyes locked onto something. "What's that?" He said.

We all turned to see that a thin layer of water had pooled in the hallway. The water reflected the wall, which appeared to have writing on it, but the reflection caused it to appear upside down.

I looked up to see what the writing was upright.

The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir....beware.

Hermione pointed out it was written in blood.

Terrified, I reached out to Ron, grasping onto his forearm.

"Oh, no," Harry said, his eye trained on something else. "It's Filch's cat." Harry walked over to see the cat, hanging upside down and seemingly dead.

I was terrified. Unfortunately, there was only one person at Hogwarts who had ever comforted me when I was this scared, And I was currently in the midst of a feud with him.

Hermione also moved closer to Ron as I hid my head in his shoulder, and he moved his arm to wrap around my shoulder.

We head heard the claps of footsteps as students filled the halls after dinner. I heard gasps and murmurs.

Looking up, I spotted Draco. His eyes were locked on me, glaring. My feud with him forgotten in my terror, I removed myself from Ron's arms and rushed over it him. I was aiming to embrace him, but instead, he shoved me away from him.

I lost my balance on the wet floor and fell, landing on my bum. I looked up at him, to see him glowering over me, then looked back up. "Enemies of the heir, beware?" He looked back where Ron and Hermione stood. "You'll be next mudbloods."

As I stood up Mr. Filch had come by and noticed the state his cat was in. He started accusing Harry of murdering Mrs. Norris before grabbing a fistful of Harry's cloaks and threatening to kill him. I was already terrified, but this wasn't helping.

"Argus?" Headmaster Dumbledore came from the back of the crowd at just the right time with the other professors. As soon as the message that we had seen came into his view, he halted. He immediately instructed everyone to go to their dormitories. Except for Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Draco grabbed my wrist, pulling me with him to the Slytherin common room. We didn't say a word to each other as we walk, parting to our separate dormitories when we got to the common room.

I put on my pajamas and went to bed, but after fighting with sleep for several hours, I decided to get up for a while.

It was well into the night, so I was alone. The black lake through the windows of the common room looked darker. I guessed it to be a new moon or close to it. I sat on the corner of one of the couches, curling my leg under me, and staring at the fire that never seems to go out.

Before long, I heard steps from the boy's dormitories. I watched the threshold as they came closer. 

Draco stepped out and found me in nearly as soon as he stepped into the common room. His eyes narrowed as he walked over and sat on the couch opposite me. "What? Visions of Weaslebee not dancing through your head tonight?" There was a hint of mocking sarcasm in his tone.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, mildly irritated by his attitude.

He scoffed. "You pretended to act scared so he would put his arm around you." 

"I was scared, Draco Malfoy!" I stood up, pacing back and forth along the length of the couch. "There were spiders... and blood... and I was only there cause you ticked me off earlier today! Did you notice that I went to you as soon as I saw you?"

He was quiet, but he appeared guilty.

I walked around the sofa table, standing directly over him. My hands went to my hips. "And what did you do?"

He stared into the fire, mumbling a small, yet audible enough. "I'm sorry, Aphry."

I stared at him for a moment, then went and plop in next to him. "Your jealousy over Harry and his friends is going to get you into a lot of trouble..."


Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed this part! Please vote and comment to let me know what you enjoyed!

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