Mudblood - 12

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I found Daphne and sat down with her in the great hall during my free period on Wednesday. "Are Draco and you bickering again?" she asked.

"What? No!" I said, offended that she would even suggest the idea. "Draco is actually at the quidditch pitch with Marcus Flint. He only needs a new seeker this year to round out the team, so Draco's trying out with a few other people now so the whole team can start practicing sooner."

Daphne nodded, "Yes, I do remember the notice being posted in the common room..." She was not at all interested in quidditch, so quickly changed the subject. "So how did you do on Lockhart's quiz yesterday? I got quite a bit right, but it was a lot of information to remember."

I blushed slightly, a little embarrassed at what I was about to confess. "I got a perfect grade."

She cut her eyes at me as if to study me. "Is this Aphrodite Cytheria or Hermione Granger I am talking to?"

I laughed, just as Daphne and I noticed Hermione, Harry, and Ron enter. "Speaking of which, I am going to go see them and get the full story on that flying car."

We said our goodbyes, and I went over to the seats the Gryffindors had found. I plopped myself beside Hermione. "Hi guys," I said.

"Fighting with Malfoy?" Harry asked.

I huffed. "No. Why does everyone assume that we are fighting?" They all raised their eyebrows. "I actually came over to get the details of your flying car."

Harry and Ron took turns telling parts of the story. From not being able to get on the platform, up until the car ejected them and their luggage and drove off into the forbidden forest.

"Someone was trying to keep me from going to Hogwarts, I think." Harry said, "There was this house-elf that showed up one night before I left my aunt and uncle's. His name was Dobby...."

"Dobby?" I interrupted, my eyes widened in surprise. So there's where that elf had been!

Harry nodded. "Yeah!"

"Is he your house-elf?" Ron asked. He was aware of how wealthy my family was, so it was fair to assume we had a house-elf.

I shook my head, "No." I felt it was prudent not to reveal who's elf it was. And the Malfoy's house-elf is none of my business anyway. "I just thought it was a funny name for an elf." I said as an excuse.

Saturday came around quickly. To both of our delights, Draco made the quidditch team, so I had no plans for the day.

Since it was a nice day, I went for a walk outside. That's when I saw Ron and Hermione sitting on a bench together. I went over to say hi and ended up striking up a conversation with Hermione about our Defense of the Dark Arts curriculum.

Not long after we all noticed two teams, one scarlet and one emerald, come up face to face not far from us. The captains at the lead.

"Uh-oh I smell trouble." Ron said. They put their things on the bench and stood, and we all headed toward the crowd.

The Gryffindor captain, Wood if I recall correctly, was reading a piece of parchment. "...Owing to the need to train their new sneaker." He looked at Flint. "You've got a new seeker? Who?"

The Slytherin team shifted, and Draco stepped up to the front. I tried to control my proud smile at seeing my friend in his brand new quidditch robes. He glance me, and his smirk deepened a hair, before looking toward the Gryffindor team.

"Malfoy?" Harry said in disbelief.

"That's right," Draco said. "And that's not all that's new this year."

Ron looked at the team and noticed the brooms. "Those are Nimbus Two-Thousand-Ones! How did you get those?"

"A gift from Draco's father," Flint responded.

So if they all have their brooms, I wondered, then where is mine?

I was pulled from my thoughts as my necklace tingled. Draco spoke up. "You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best."

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in," Hermione responded. "They got in on pure talent."

Well, that's not really fair he did try out fair and square...

My necklace tingled further as Draco approached Hermione. "No one asked you. You filthy little mudblood."

"DRACO MALFOY!" I shouted as chaos ensued.

Gryffindors had to hold other team mates back from lunging at him. Some shouted insults I couldn't remember in the midst of my own fury. Ron grabbed his wand and pointed it at the blonde git. "You'll pay for that one Malfoy. Eat Slugs."

Ron's wand back fired, sending him flying across the grass. He landed on his back, and the rest of the Gryffindor team went to check on him. I followed.

Ron did not look well at all. He sat up and turned toward the grass, before retching and vomiting a fairly large slug. I closed my eyes in an attempt not to get sick myself. Harry and Hermione helped him up, Harry mentioning something about taking Ron to Hagrid's and taking him off.

The entire Slytherin team laughed as the three departed. Draco and I locked eyes. I glared as I marched toward him.

I couldn't tell if he was oblivious or thought he could distract me, because he smiled as I approached him. "Aphry! Your Nimbus is in the--"


My necklace when cold as my hand met his cheek, and I felt the onset of my first of many headaches. I instantly knew my abilities had kicked in.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" He said, holding his likely sore cheek.

I glared at him and huffed. Not wanting to deal with him any longer, I shook my head and rolled my eyes before running after Harry, Ron, and Hermione.


Author's note: I hope you enjoy this chapter! This has been on of my favorites to write so far! Let me know what you are thinking about this exchange between Aphry and Draco.

And if you like my story, please consider commenting and voting so others can see if as well!

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