Party Preparations - 22

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The remaining of the semester passed pretty uneventfully, and soon we were on the train home.

Narcissa wanted to throw a big, belated birthday party for the two of us since it was our thirteenth birthday. Knowing her, it was going to be the social event of the summer. The party was set for a week after we got home.

We flooed to the manor the morning of the party so that there would be plenty of time to get ready. Instead of being greeted by a Malfoy, an event coordinator met us. Her wand was nestled into her bun as she held a bit of parchment which no doubt contained plans for the day.

"Good Morning. Mr. Cytheria, Miss Cytheria," she said pleasantly, but urgently. "Hope you are both doing well. Preparations are all going smoothly. Mr. Cytheria, we've got your suit and event schedule all prepped in your room." My father nodded and headed off.

"Miss Cytheria, Mrs. Malfoy has everything prepared and is waiting for you in her dressing room."

Excitement buzzed in me at hearing the words. I thanked her politely and made my way out of the drawing-room. Around me, florists, decorators, and others hurried about the manor, making preparations for the party. I took one of the twin grand staircases, then all the way down the right corridor into the master suite.

The Malfoy's master suite consisted of five rooms. Upon first entering the suite was a private drawing-room. The walls were a deep emerald, with ornate gold-painted wainscotting that was original to the house. The floors were deep, rich mahogany, adding warmth to the space. Two black, velvet chesterfield couches sat facing each other in the center of the room over a soft cream rug.

Pictures of the Malfoy's ancestors hung on the walls. "Good Morning!" I said to the paintings. I faced each of the four walls and curtsied, a tradition which I had started several years earlier as I practiced for my etiquette classes. Each generation Malfoy complimented me.

"So charming," praised Armand Malfoy.

"Such a good girl," commended the wife of Nicolas Malfoy.

"What grace," admired Lucius Malfoy the first.

The door opposite the hallway entrance in the drawing room led to the bedroom with an ensuite bath. A dressing room each for the master and mistress of the house were behind the two side doors. I had never been in the bedroom or Lucius Malfoy's dressing room, but one of my favorite places in the house had to be Narcissa's dressing room. Often I was invited into her room for a dab of perfume or to try on some lipstick. 

I approached the door on the right wall and turned the brass handle, opening the door to a room painted a creamy white that reminded me of vanilla meringues. Black furniture, including a vanity, dresser, and chaise lounge contrasted against the cream luxuriously.

Narcissa sat at the stool of they vanity, finishing up her perpetually perfect ruby red lipstick.

She saw my reflection in her vanity mirror. "I thought I heard the Malfoy photos giving compliments," she said. She got out of her seat, approaching me and engulfing me in a hug that I returned. "Would you like to see your dress?"

"Of course!" I responded. The two of us had been anticipating this dress for months. We corresponded via owl while I was as school until it was perfect. Narcissa had commissioned an exclusive French witch designer to create it.

I nodded, and she walked over to the half of the room line with floor to ceiling walking closets. Stopping at the first set of door, she opened the it wide.

The light blue ball gown that I had previously only seen in sketches was displayed in front of me. Tulle flowed from the entire bottom half, with a satin belt. The bodice had capped sleeves, and was covered in crystals were glittering when they caught the light.

Soon after, two witches arrived to help us get ready. Our nails were done, as well as our hair and makeup. Despite the use of magic, it still took time to do everything. We enjoyed a light lunch midway through.

When the start time for the party had nearly approached, there was a knock on the door. One of the witches opened the door revealing Lucius Malfoy in tailored black dress robes.

Narcissa smile down at me. "You look lovely, darling. Draco should be by to fetch you in the next few minutes."

"Thank you, Narcissa," I said. She gave a small pat on the shoulder before taking her husband's arm and exiting the room.

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