Hormones - 112

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Saturday came, with our match against Gryffindor in the afternoon resulting in a loss. Potter caught the snitch when I was just a hair's breadth away from it. I suspect he found a sneaky way to cheat, but I had no time to argue it once he and the twin Weasleys attacked me. All because of my lovely song Weasley is our King. I couldn't help that it was so catchy the entirety of Slytherin wanted to sing it during the match!

Aphry did argue, even as she nursed a headache that afternoon on the common room couches, that I might have provoked them. I disagreed.

That evening, Umbridge invited Crabbe, Goyle, and me to her office shortly after dinner. As soon as the offer to join the Inquisitor's Squad was announced, I volunteered. I knew that it was a decision father would approve.

I wasn't surprised to see Pansy, Graham Montague, or the other handful of other Slytherins, but I was absolutely shocked to see Aphrodite Cytheria standing right behind Umbridge's desk, badge already pinned and shining brightly on her robes.

"Thank you all for coming," Umbridge said to us. She smiled, always a bit unsettling, as she looked at each of us. "And on behalf of the ministry, I thank you for taking on this task. I have badges for everyone, and will distribute them in just a moment."

She looked at Aphry, who gave a small smile back at her. "You are to be my eyes and ears around this school. Anything that violates one of my educational decrees needs to be reported to me or Aphrodite, who I have assigned to lead you all."

Lead? As in the group that was likely created for the sole purpose of finding Harry Potter doing something explicitly anti-ministry?

Things were not adding up. I knew that Umbridge had taken a shine to her, but I didn't understand why Aphry would agree to this.

The badges were passed out ceremoniously. After that, Aphry led us to the empty classroom that she had picked to use as a meeting room.

I trailed the rest of the group, so I shut the door behind us. "I can't believe Umbridge made you leader!" Pansy exclaimed as soon as the door was closed. She was just as surprised as me, but adding her general jealousy of Aphry made for a bad combination.

Aphry stood behind a large desk that faced the rest of the classroom. She sighed in response as she took off her cloak and placed it on a nearby chair. Her hands landed on her hips as she looked at Pansy pointedly. "I'm sorry, it appears as if you are questioning Professor Umbridge's decisions as High Inquisitor. I'd be happy to tell her about your lack of confidence in me. She'd be happy to relieve you of your badge, as it will do no good to have infighting among us."

Pansy didn't respond, but her lips pursed and she glared furiously at Aphry.

I leaned against the back wall of the small classroom, smirking from amusement.

A bright smile lit up Aphry's face. "Great. Now that's settled, we can get to work." A large parchment sat rolled up on the left side of the desk, Only slightly shorter than the desk was deep. She rolled it out, also covering the majority of the desk's width and revealing a map of the castle.

"The prefects mainly patrol the castle after curfew, and the majority do not seem to be monitoring for violations against the decrees," she said. She bent slightly at the waist, bracing herself on the desk.

She went on to talk about assignments and plan regarding patrols, but all I could pay attention to was how the pose showed off her curves. My hormones went wild, along with my thoughts. The room was suddenly hotter, and my heart rate elevated slightly. 

In an effort to calm myself, I looked away from her and my attraction quickly turned into anger. Warrington and Graham sported identical smirks. And from the way they would talk about other girls in the locker room, they were thinking the same way that I was. I imagined them trying to make a move on her, and that anger heightened.

Luckily for them, Aphry handed out assignments and dismissed us. I stayed after everyone left as she put her things away.

She said nothing as she grabbed her bag, but raised her eyebrow in question since I hadn't left. "Yes, Draco?"

I leaned against the desk. "You do know what we are trying to do here, right? Umbridge wants us to catch Potter doing... something."

A roll of her eyes and a slight huff was her response. "Of course, I'm aware, Draco. Do you think I'm completely daft?"

"Aphry, you know I don't think that. This is just out of character for you is all."

She pauses, looking down at the ground. "I know. It's just... since Potter fell out of favour with the Ministry, I've recognized my former friendship with him could negatively affect our family's relationships within the ministry. This is my attempt to not be a stain on their reputation."

As she looked into my eyes, I couldn't help but wonder what my father would think if he had heard the words coming out of her mouth. She would give up the friendships that she had for the sake of both our families. Would that change his mind and his opinion on our dating? The thoughts swam through my head on ways I might convince him.

But likely not. Like he'd said, a romance with her in this climate might very well get her killed if it benefitted the Dark Lord.

"Draco?" she questioned gently, her hand lightly reaching for the necklace my mother gave her. I realized I was just silently staring at her while I was lost in my thoughts.

I cleared my throat, looking away from her. "That's probably a good idea," I said with a nod.

She responded with the same nod, and we walked to the common room together in silence.

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