Umbridge - 104

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This year was turning out to be abysmal. Transfiguration went all right. Professor McGonagall spent a good portion of the class talking about the O.W.L.s. and then we practised vanishing spells, which I was able to successfully attempt just before class ended.

Next was double potions with my godfather.

As I sat with Daphne around the middle of the classroom, I heard the shuffle of people filing in behind me.

"She must be so upset," one of Pansy's friends 'whispered,' standing just behind me. "She probably thought that she was guaranteed to be prefect."

"I know," Pansy responded. "I really do feel sorry for her, but is it my fault that Professor Snape thinks I was best qualified?" The other girls profusely ensured her it was not.

I sat up straighter, as did Daphne. We knew that often all Pansy wanted was a reaction. We were not going to give her the satisfaction.

Snape did his own discussion of the O.W.L.s before tasking us with brewing a Draught of Peace.

As I waited seven minutes before adding the hellebore syrup, I felt a familiar tug. Snape was using Legilimency on me! Of course, I should have been prepared, but I wasn't. He was able to enter my mind. Accessing the recent bad experiences I'd had. Not getting prefect, this mess with Draco's coldness, and Pansy's recent attempts to bully.

When he stopped, he walked toward me from his spot across the room. I knew I was probably going to be scolded for not being on guard, but he wasn't going to do that now, was he?

He started looking in the cauldrons in our row. When he passed by mine, he halted and I held my breath. Was he going to find something wrong with my potion as well?

"Coming along nicely," he said, and I released my breath. "Five points to Slytherin."

"Thank you, professor," I said, though a bit flatly. I was still upset he probed into my mind and was wondering why he was doing that.

Walking to the row behind us, he eventually landed on Pansy's pot. "Good Morning Professor," Pansy said, fake sweetness, oozing out of her.

"Miss Parkinson, I do believe that your potion has been just a touch over-stirred. Did you stir four times instead of three?"

Pansy was speechless, responding with nothing but a surprised, "uh..."

But Snape spoke over her. "Frankly, this is not what I would expect out of one of my Prefects. More care should be taken next time."

He then moves on to inspect other's cauldrons. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Daphne with an amused smile as she looked into her cauldron.

Snape was quite alright sometimes.

"Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations," Umbridge said that afternoon as she walked through the class, waving her wand to write what she was saying. She was wearing another horrid pink cardigan. "O-W-Ls."

She stood in front of us, wearing a bright smile that made me feel uneasy. "Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be," she gave a small shrug, her odd smile never faltering, "severe." I resisted the urge to shift in my seat at the discomfort her demeanour caused me.

A stack of books levitated as she discussed how we would have a new ministry-approved curriculum. I glanced through the book curiously.

Umbridge called on Hermione who asked more than stated, "There's nothing in her about using defensive spells?"

I scanned the table of contents again. Hermione was right!

"Using spells," Umbridge said as if it was the most ridiculous thing she had heard. She let out two, staccato laughs. "I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

But how are we going to prepare for our O.W.L.s? I knew there was a practical application portion of the exam.

Ron then spoke, "We're not going to use magic?"

Umbridge turned to him. "You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way."

"What use is that?" Harry said with a less-than-polite edge. "If we're attacked, it won't be risk-free."

I imagine that was the wrong thing to say, with Umbridge there on behalf of the ministry. And what Daphe had said about him being in the Prophet all summer, the ministry was less than happy about his claim that you-know-who was back. 

This was confirmed when Umbridge said shortly, "Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class."

The two went back and forth, Umbridge insisted that practical application was not needed, and Harry said that we need to practice these spells and prepare. His anger increased with every rebuttal and eventually brought up that You-Know-Who was back. She eventually sent Potter off to McGonagall with a note that I assumed was less than flattering.

I agreed with Harry, but I wasn't going to defy Professor Umbridge. I'd seen it happen multiple times when my father disagreed with Lucius Malfoy. He held his tongue, and things went over smoother.

A hopeless feeling sank and nestled in the pit of my stomach at the first witnessed example of the ministry's influence at the school this year. I wondered if it was simply denial, or if the Minister was completely aware of this dark wizard's return. Intentional or not, they were leaving students completely defenceless and I didn't believe it was right.

During dinner Draco told the Slytherin students from the other years about the incident and mocked Harry, leaving everyone at the table surrounding in fits of laughter. Expect me. And the full realization finally dawned on me...

For Draco's protection and my own, I was going to have to be on whatever side of this war he landed on. And knowing his adoration for his father and hate toward Harry, I was pretty sure my fate was sealed.

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