Quidditch Match: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin - 16

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Several weeks had passed, and it was the morning of Draco's first game. Diverting Draco from trying to find the heir of Slytherin was relatively easy, considering Flint had the team practicing as often as he could manage to book the field.

Draco and I were headed to the great hall from the dungeons, at the lead of our group of friends. Fellow Slytherins from every year were wishing Draco a good game as we walked. 

Nearing the entrance to the great hall, I noticed Professor Snape in discussion with two older men who, even though their backs were turned, were immediately recognizable.

"Father," I exclaimed, quickening my pace.

He turned, a bright smile on his face. "Aphrodite!" he said, crouching down to embrace me in a hug. 

We held the embrace for a moment before pulling back. I looked up to see Lucius Malfoy greeting his own son in his standard, cold, Malfoy way. Our friends had disappeared into the hall to get their breakfast.

"What are you both doing here?" Draco asked.

"Well, of course, we're not going to miss your first quidditch match, Draco," the elder Malfoy said. The two Malfoys shared smug, proud smirks.

"Did Narcissa come?" I asked Lucius Malfoy hopefully.

The slightest hint of pity fell on Malfoy senior's face. "No. I'm terribly sorry. I'm afraid she had another engagement she couldn't miss."

Draco and I looked at each other, both a little disappointed.

Shortly after we headed into the great hall to eat breakfast, where we filled them in on our studies. Draco discussed the Chamber of Secrets and the heir of Slytherin. I smiled smugly as his father warned him against trying to find the heir of Slytherin and staying out of their way. A while after Draco left with the rest of the quidditch team.

At the quidditch game, I chose to sit with my father and Mr. Malfoy in the guest stands. The game went well at first, with Slytherin taking a 60 point lead. I was keeping a constant watch for Draco, though that was hard to do as he flew around so quickly in search of the snitch.

I finally found Draco, not far from Harry. They idled on their broom for a moment, looking toward each other. That's when I noticed the bludger, making a direct line toward Harry.

"Watch out," I muttered. Harry turned his head, missing the bludger just in time. "Oh thank goodness," I said, relieved.

That was until the bludger turned, making another direct hit toward Harry. As the budger zoomed around I gasped. "Is that bludger targeting Harry," I questioned out loud.

I looked up to my father, who was looking worried at the situation. Then to my other side at Mr. Malfoy, who was looking at me curiously.

Looking back to the pitch, Harry was continuing to zoom around, avoiding the bludger. He flew through the quidditch pitch, narrowly avoiding it as it went through the fabric covering the construction of the stadium.

Draco had stopped to watch the scene, and Harry worked to stop his broom, hovering several yards away from Draco.

"What? Are they socializing?" I asked incredulously. "Find the snitch, Draco!" I was concerned for Harry's trouble with the bludger, but that didn't mean I wanted my team to lose. My father and Draco's both laughed slightly, amused at my enthusiasm.

I saw the faint glimmer of the snitch. Right behind Draco's head.

Harry had quickly identified it. Right before dodging the bludger yet again. Draco was in the path, and my necklace went cold just before he dodged. 

They both went after the snitch head to head. Draco nudged Harry, which I silently hope Madam Hooch didn't see to give a penalty. Draco took the lead, the two ducking down under the stands, hidden for a while. My necklace was still cold, which gave me the idea that Draco was still in the path of the rogue bludger.

They popped out for a minute, still head to head, then went straight back down.

My necklace froze, causing me to place a hand over it in dread. "Oh my god..."

Mr. Malfoy and my father both looked at me curiously, before registering what I was doing in a split second and looking out onto the field worriedly.

A slight headache started before Draco emerged from under the stands, off his broom which was flying in another direction. He landed on the surface of the pitch hard, launching a full headache. I winced placing my fingertips on my head, adding pressure to attempt to alleviate the pain.

My father and Mr. Malfoy looked down at me, then back up to each other. My father had a look of concern, perhaps worry. However, Lucius Malfoy, who had just looked irritated at his son's public embarrassment, looked nearly pleased.

The three of us looked back over to the quidditch pitch just in time to see Harry crash land on the pitch as well. He lifted up an arm. "Harry Potter has caught the snitch!"

The three of us and Professor Snape, who was sitting on the other side of Mr. Malfoy, made our way off the stands, by the time that we headed toward the pitch, Draco was being guided to the hospital wing by his teammates. We followed them toward the entrance of the school.

"Shouldn't Harry be on his way to the hospital, too?" I asked as we walked. "Certainly he got hurt the way he landed!"

"I saw Professor Lockhart jump from his seat the moment Harry landed," Professor Snape responded. "It is highly likely that he rushed down to... attend... to the boy."

When we entered the school, Professor Snape rushed ahead so there would be a professor with them in the hospital. 

I was concerned about my friend, focused on getting to the hospital wing. However, my focus was shifted when I was grabbed by my collar, and shoved into a classroom, empty due to it being a Saturday.

Lucius Malfoy grabbed my cloak from the front this time, leaning to hover over me with his face inches from my own. "When did it start?" he hissed.

"Wh-what?" I asked, obviously terrified.

"Your abilities, when did they start, girl?" He nearly spat.

"The-the first week of school. Draco hurt himself... a-and I got the headache."

He snarled, "And you didn't think to tell anyone. Not ever Narcissa, who you love so--"

"LUCIUS!" my father said, slamming the door behind. He had been walking in front of us, so it likely took him a second to notice we weren't behind him.

Malfoy straightened, releasing his grasp on me. In turn, my father grabbed his cloak. "Do not touch my daughter, Malfoy," he said, dark and low. "I do not care what happens to me if she gets hurt."

The two stared at each other for a long moment. Malfoy scowled at my father, and my father returned the same venous glare he'd worn since entering the room. My father let go of the other man's cloak with a slight shove. Malfoy straightened and dusted off the front of his outfit.

My father knelt down, placing his hands on my shoulder. "Darling, are you alright?" His eyes connected with mine, filled with worry.

I swallowed, tears brimming my eyes. This was not helping the headache I was experiencing. 

He set his jaw, the anger pouring from him. "Aphrodite. What Lucius did was not okay," he raised his voice, turning his head to look at the man to make sure that he had heard. Lucius, looking at us, averted his gaze to the classroom walls almost defiantly.

By this point, the intensity of the situation had caused a couple of tears to spill onto my cheeks. "Can we just go see Draco?" I sniffled. "I am so worried."

My father sighed and nodded, standing and putting a hand between my shoulder blades. "Come on, Lucius. Let's go see how your son is doing."

We then headed started toward the hospital wing once again, Lucius Malfoy staying a few steps behind us.


Author's note: Thanks for reading! All votes and comments are appreciated! I'd love to hear what you think!

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