Malfoy Manor, Pre-World Cup - 60

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Dimitri and his parents decided to stay with us the entire summer, so he and I would get an opportunity to know each other better before we went back to school. As the days passed, I began to like him more and more, and the idea of tolerating a few years of the arrangement felt much less daunting. We spent many afternoons walking around the estate grounds, taking in the flowers, and he even took me to a couple of Russian ballets with his parents, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

By the time the Quidditch World Cup came around, we were quite comfortable with each other. Although it was great in terms of the ruse, I was anxious about how Draco would take it.

We took the Floo to Malfoy Manor, with me going first. Once emerging out of the Malfoys' drawing-room fireplace, I was surprised to see Lucius Malfoy was there to greet us, instead of Narcissa, Draco, or the both of them.

"Good Afternoon," the eldest Malfoy said, with the barest hint of a smile to appear pleasant. His expressions seemed more sinister as I became older. However, I kept that information to myself.

I smiled politely back, and responded with a "Good Afternoon, Mr. Malfoy." As my father and Dimitri followed me through the fireplace, patting off the soot.

"Aphry, You've got some in your hair," Dmitri said, gently smoothing the back of my hair.

I turned to Dimitri, smiling and thanking him, then turned back to see Mr. Malfoy with his eyebrow curiously raised at the interaction. I chose to pretend like I didn't notice.

"Aphrodite," Mr. Malfoy said, "Narcissa is getting ready in her dressing room. She asked that I invite you up there when you got here."

That was exciting to hear. I thanked him briefly and headed out of the drawing room and up the stairs.

As I entered the drawing room, I did my typical routine with the Malfoy family portraits.

"Lovely dress," One prior Mrs. Malfoy said, drawing attention to the black, knee-length ensemble. It was slightly fitted and sleeveless, with a boatneck collar that had golden snitches glittering and fluttering in unison. "You're starting to look so grown up, dear." The other pictures concurred, adding compliments of their own.

I thanked them graciously, then made my way into Narcissa's dressing room.

Narcissa was sitting at her vanity in a silk robe. Her makeup was all done, except the lipstick she always save for last. A curler was levitated as a strand of hair wound itself around until the curler was secured on her head.

Her face lit up as she looked at me through the mirror. "Aphrodite, darling! How are you, dear?" Another curler lifted and repeated the process right under the first.

I smiled, going to the large black ottoman in the middle of her wardrobe and sitting. "I'm actually doing quite well! Excited to go to the World Cup."

"It's quite exciting, isn't it?" She asked. "So, how has your summer been so far?"

"Well, hostessing has been a little exhausting." I leaned over to one side, propping my upper body on one arm. "Is it odd I find it a little enjoyable, though?"

A small laugh left her as another curler was set. "That's not odd at all. And how are things going with Dimitri?"

I paused. "They're not the worst. In fact, I would say they're going well."

A curler halted mid-wrap. "Oh?"

Nodding, I elaborated. "Well, he's handsome and charming. It's not hard to spend time with him."

The curler started again. Her expression went to a small, knowing smile. "You fancy him?"

I laughed nervously as the heat rose to my cheeks. "I don't know how I feel just now."

The last curler was set, and she stood from the vanity. I admired, as I often did, how graceful she appeared. She made her way over to her wardrobe and waved her wand to open one of the doors and summon her outfit. As always, a black dress made with luxurious fabrics and beautiful delicate details.

She looked at me with a smile, "Would you mind going and checking that Draco is nearly ready to go? I'll be down to join you all in a moment."

I stood and nodded. "Of course. See you in a bit." I then made my way out of the master suite.

Right as I headed out of the corridor of the wing, I noticed Draco close to the drawing room entrance in the foyer. I called his name, and he turned to me, a look of surprise crossed him before he flashed me one of his handsome smirks.

As I headed down the stairs, he approached the foot. "What are you doing coming from the master wing like you own the place?"

I laughed, then responded. "I was visiting your mother." I met him at the foot of the stairs. I got a good look at him, dashing in his all-black suit. The cuff of his sleeves caught my eye.

"Are those the snitch cufflinks I gave you for your ninth birthday?" I said, amusement evident in my voice."

He chuckled, lifting a forearm to show me the freshly polished accessory. "The exact ones."

I grinned as I took a good look at the cufflinks I hadn't seen in years. "Oh, I remember the day I bought these! Father was getting his robes fitted at Twilfit and Tattings. I saw them in the shop and brought them up to him, insisting I get them for your birthday present. He told me a nine-year-old had no use for cufflinks, but I was very persistent."

"Funny. I also thought it was an odd gift, but seeing as your father bought me a new custom quidditch ball set, I decided not to say anything." I smacked him lightly and playfully on the arm.

"At least you're putting them to use now," I said.


I dropped my hands to my side hearing Dmitri's voice and turned to him with a smile. I knew I have done nothing wrong, but I got a distinct impression that our interaction might have given Dmitri the wrong impression. He walked up beside me and placed a hand on my waist.

"Sokolov, nice to see you again," Draco said, extending his hand. I was impressed at the change in demeanor from what I had seen last month. Great, hopefully, things won't go terribly tonight.

Dmitri looked at Draco's hand for a second with a raised eyebrow, before lifting his hand to shake it. "Pleasure, Malfoy." A small breath I didn't realize I was holding escaped me.

"How has your summer been?" Draco asked, his social charms were on now. "I trust the Cytherias are being exceptional hosts, as always."

One side of Dmitri's mouth rose. "Indeed, they are. Aphrodite and I are getting to know each other better each day." 

The conversation went well, with what little small talk we managed. After a few moments, Narcissa, Mr. Malfoy, and my father also met us in the foyer, and we all apparated to the World Cup.

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