Bad News - 105

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Within a week, Dolores Umbridge was named Hogwarts High Inquisitor, and I noticed tensions around the school getting higher daily amongst both teachers and students.

What equally concerned me was Draco. We weren't spending as much time with each other. Of course, his evenings were spent on prefect duties. And although we ate meals together in our group, he'd managed to sit with Crabbe and Goyle during all our classes together. I love sitting with Daphne, but I always managed to sit with Draco in at least a few classes. 

At least he was keeping minimal trouble. I had learned over the years at what point the tingling sensation meant I needed to act.

Things finally came to a head the second weekend of the semester. After lunch on Saturday, Daphne and I sat by the lake, enjoying the view of the school's landscape and breathing in the crisp, fall air before the nip of winter set in.

As we were talking, Daphne said, "Oh God. Here comes Pansy and her mindless flock." 

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to say anything since my back was turned to them I wasn't sure how close they were.

Pansy stood over us, casting a slight shadow over us. "Hello, girls," she said in her sickly sweet tone. 

"Good afternoon," I said, tempering my tone to be not too cold, but yet not friendly either. Daphne greeted them similarly.

Turning to me a bit as she looked down at us, she said, "Aphry, where is your right arm?"

My brow furrowed deeply, and I lifted my arm. Had she finally gone loony?

She laughed, but there was a malicious edge to it. "The blonde one, darling."

I lifted a brow. "Draco?" She lifted a brow as if her daft analogy was obvious. "We are hardly attached at the hip," I said nonchalantly. "He's got prefect duties as well as quidditch, and he has to fit studies in there somewhere."

"Maybe he'll fit it down the next girl's throat," I heard Tracey Davis whispered to Milicent Bulstrode, and the two went into simultaneous fits of giggles.

My brow furrowed in confusion, as Pansy smirked at me. "Oh, dear, girls. Aphry doesn't know!" she said, her face full of mock pity.

Daphne interjected this time. "Pansy, what in the bloody hell are you talking about?"

Pansy's self-satisfied smirk made me nauseous. "Nearly every time Draco's had prefect duties, he asks some girl to meet up with him so they can have a quick snog in an empty classroom. It's been a different girl every time."


"Pansy that is the most ridiculous rumour of yours that I have ever heard," Daphne said.

She laughed. "Well, it's not a rumour. Tracey was the lucky girl last night." She pointed to Tracey, who had a satisfied smile on her face. She put a hand over her heart. "I was the choice two nights ago. And I do believe he'd asked a seventh-year Ravenclaw as well."

My stomach churned. No, this was just a cruel joke to get a rise out of me. Which it shouldn't have because I was in no way romantically attached to Draco Malfoy. It was he who had always pursued me, with his quips that always seemed to surprise me.

But he's backed off on that a bit, hadn't he? I don't think he even he's said anything remotely close to that since... well, since Dimitri...

Daphne scoffed. "That's ridiculous."

Pansy smiled, "Don't believe me? He has patrol tomorrow after dinner. Fifth-floor corridor. Go see for yourself." She gave a nonchalant shrug. "We should really be off," she said with a sinister, satisfied smile before walking off, the other two trailing behind her.

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