Suspicion - 150

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I soon found myself in McGonagell's classroom with the Golden Trio and Katie's friend, Leanne. My mind was completely shielded, despite the way I contorted my face to appear in distress at the scene I'd witnessed. 

McGonagall questioned Leanne first, who explained that Katie had the package when she returned from the restroom in The Three Broomsticks. The Professor dismissed Leanne, who left hastily. I didn't blame her. I'd probably go to bed for a long nap if I were in her position and my emotions weren't shut away in a tiny corner of my mind.

Once she was out of the room. McGonagall turned to look at her other three Gryffindors. She looked exasperated as she said, "Why is it when something happens it is always you three?"

That's exactly what I thought. I thought as Ron said, "Believe me, professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years."

She turned to look at me, curiosity mixed with her exasperation. "And how did you get involved?"

I took a deep breath as if reeling from the events. "Daphne, Pansy, and I were ahead of Leanne and Katie. When we heard her screaming, I backtracked to see if she needed help while Daphne and Pansy went back to the castle."

The subtlest softening of her eyes told me she believed me. She thinks I stand out from the stereotypes of my Slytherin peers. She doesn't realize that I'm one of the worst. That I bear the mark of probably the worst Slytherin of our time.

It was around that point that Snape appeared, entering the room as silent as a grave. He had an eyebrow raised, obviously surprised to find me with the three Gryffindors.

He likely heard my explanation, but nonetheless, he was probing into my mind, trying to find out exactly why I was there However, he was not getting his answers. He taught me much too well.

Professor McGonagall briefed him on the situation, and the four of us stood in silence as he took out his wand and used the levitation charm to suspend the necklace in the air and inspect it. "What do you think?" McGonagall asked him, concern etched in her tone.

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive," he responded solemnly.

I faked a small, quiet gasp as if just realizing the severity of the situation.

Harry spoke up then. "She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie, off the Quidditch pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering that to Professor Dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly."

McGonagall nodded somberly, still looking at the offending piece of jewelry hovering in front of her. "Yes, she was cursed."

Potter hesitated for half a moment, before saying, "It was Malfoy."

I honestly expected that. Potter had been not so subtly watching and trailing Draco since term started. Regardless, my eyes widened in offense at the absolutely baseless claim.

That caused Professor McGonagall to turn around, along with Snape. "That is a very serious accusation, Potter."

"Indeed," my godfather agreed. "Your evidence?"

"I just know," Potter said.

I crossed my arms and raised my brow, increasing my appearance of offense.

Snape was unimpressed, more so than usual. "You just... know."

A tense silence passed.

"You astonish with your gifts, Potter," Snape said with his signature dry sarcasm. "Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing." If my godfather's words were venomous, we might have all been dead. "How grand it must be to be the Chosen One."

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