The L Word - 90

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The winter break ended and term started back in the blink of an eye.

Aphry's demeanour had definitely changed. Often she seemed far off, and more than once I'd had the inclination to start practising legilimency to get into her head. My primary focus became watching over her, though I'd never let her notice. I wanted her to focus on healing, and I didn't want her to get upset and start an argument because her pride had gotten the best of her.

I couldn't bear to start any fight with her. For that reason, I began biting my tongue when she'd gone off to spend a couple of hours with Potter, Granger, or Viktor Krum. Krum, I didn't mind as much. I had gotten quite chummy with him since I'd learned that his affection for Aphry was more along the little sister variety, and I liked the idea of someone of that capacity keeping an eye on her. I'd no earthly idea why he'd gone to the ball with Granger of all people, but I digress.

The thought to start pursuing Aphry romantically once again crossed my mind, but I knew it wasn't the time. She'd need time to recover from Sokolov, and I didn't want any possible relationship to be a rebound from that.

Despite the responsibilities I had thrust upon myself, I was still up to my trouble-making ways, but in a more discreet manner. Rita Skeeter's article about Hagrid being a half-giant, which I had contributed to, came out the same day term started back.

I was the first to see the article in the Prophet. And though I'd usually be the first to mention I'd been mentioned in the paper, I knew Aphry would be upset, so I remained quiet.

"Oh, look at this!" Pansy said from across the table as she looked at the paper. Aphry was finishing a textbook reading assigned for the break, which she'd uncharacteristically put off until the last minute. I coughed to get Pansy's attention and waved my hand back and forth across my neck to silently tell her to cut it out. Pansy's brow furrowed, looking back to Aphry jealously, then rolled her eyes.

She was mad I had unceremoniously broken up with her days prior, but I honestly had bigger things to worry about than keeping up with the sham of a relationship we had.

"Look, Draco's in the Prophet!" Pansy said just to spite me. I glared at her as she smiled saccharinely at me.

Aphry sounded like she was in a daze when she said, "What?" She turned to me, peering over the paper I had strategically turned away from her, as I still had it opened to the article. She scanned the article, gave a short, apathetic, "Hmph," and then turned back to her reading.

This was the first time she had caught wind of my troublemaking. She hadn't gotten onto me in any way, yet somehow I still felt like a heel.

I hadn't much time to dwell on it when I spotted my eagle owl from a great height. My mother never ceased sending me treats, and it was nice to know she thought of me while I was away at school. 

This delivery was different, though. The smaller package was covered in pink tulle that was visible from the height, tied with a voluminous silk emerald ribbon. "What in the blazes is my owl carrying?" I asked prompting the others in our party to look as well. 

Surely my mother knew that I wasn't the type to like pink.

My questions were answered when the owl swooped in front of Aphrodite, leaving the package sitting neatly upright, right behind her plate.

Ah, it's for Aphry. For a moment, I couldn't decide whether I was jealous my mother had forgotten her only child or pleased that Narcissa Malfoy essentially got a daughter through Aphry.

I raised my brow as she looked at it over her book. "Well, if you aren't going to open it, I am." I slowly started to reach for the package, but she intercepted me, reaching for the gift and giving me a scolding look as she clung it to her chest. I worked to suppress my smile at seeing a bit of Aphry's usual personality come out.

She opened the package, and I watched with curiosity as she opened the box concealed within the tulle. She pulled the note, read it, then reached in again and pulled out an elegant crystal bottle, filled with a soft pink liquid. Her initials were engraved on the front of the bottle.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Something was wrong with my perfume, so she got me a new bottle," she said, spraying a bit on the folded note and inhaling. A soft smile ghosted her lips.

My chest constricted, and I vowed at that moment never to let her run out of that perfume.

Feeling a bit impish, I grabbed the bottle from her and smelled the scent. "This doesn't smell any different," I said confused, looking at her.

The look she gave me in response was odd. She blinked multiple times, before muttering, "Something else was wrong with it," and taking the bottle back.

Hours later, we headed to Care of Magical Creatures, none of us was surprised to see Professor Grumbly-Plank. She lead us around the Paddock where the Beaxubaton's horses were being kept. Harry Potter was being rather annoying, complaining about Hagrid's absence and asking where he was.

A chorus of feminine "Ooohs" sounds interrupted him as our subject matter for the lesson came into view. Standing before us was a bright white unicorn.

I couldn't care less, but I knew that Aphrodite would. When I looked at her, my suspicions were confirmed. Her eyes had lit up beautifully, and I felt a pull of emotion in my chest. I silently thanked Rita Skeeter for writing that column and keeping that oaf away from lessons.

Daphne and Aphrodite walked over to fawn over the beast, and I watched her as she wandered over it.

Of course, Potter had to start talking to Weasley about what happened to their giant friend. Seeing as Aphry was preoccupied, I couldn't help interjecting and sharing the news column. Their anger at the situation was satisfying but paled in comparison to seeing Aphry's reaction to the unicorn.

"See," Daphne said as we walked to the castle for lunch afterwards. "That was the reason I signed up for Care of Magical Creatures. Not to take care of those nasty bugs!" Her face contorted in displeasure, remembering the god-awful creatures.

I smirked. "What I'm hearing is you want a blast-ended skrewt for your birthday, Daph," I said. The others with us laughed, and Aphry smiled. 

Daphne turned to me with a too-sweet smile. "Very funny, Malfoy! And when you're grown and have children, Aunt Daphne will get them each a lovely white ferret!"  I just cut my eyes at the blonde witch who had just insulted me. The other Slytherins laughed at the interaction, and Aphry's smile grew. That funny feeling once again swelled in my chest.

For a half moment, I thought about Dimitri's accusation that I was in love with her. Was that this funny feeling? Was that this compulsion to protect her? To make her smile?

No, that was silly. I was fourteen. Ages away from falling in love. Besides, I was not about to heed the jealous accusations of Dimitri Sokolov. This had to be something else entirely.

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