Diplomatic Fashion - 130

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I couldn't help but notice how vastly different France felt from England. Place Cachée looked as bright and sunny as it always had, which was a harsh contrast from the almost constantly overcast skies of Wiltshire. Then again, I hadn't gotten out much at all that summer. Perhaps it was just my mood that was gloomy.

Chloé Rosier was as charming as always. If I thought about it hard enough, it irritated me that she acted like there wasn't a major war going on. That she could act like that because she wasn't in the midst of it. Nonetheless, being a lady with manners, I put my feelings aside, smiling and making small talk along with her and Narcissa.

"So, what are you thinking this year, Aphrodite?" She asked excitedly, sitting across from Narcissa and me at the consultation table. She held several fabric swatches in what she called my 'signature' pastels. "I just got the loveliest new Robin's Egg blue, and a print with the most darling wildflowers charmed to move them about as if there's constantly a gentle breeze blowing." She whisked her wand in a swirling motion to accompany her description.

Any other time, I would be excited by the options. But it was not the time for delicate colours and patterns. My chest tightened, but I hid my anxiety with a bright smile. "I'd like to go in an entirely different direction this year. Make a bold statement."

Chloé looked into my eyes with a curious, raised brow. "Oh? And what are you thinking?"

The idea had come to me this morning once I realized I was visiting Chloé. "First, long sleeves for everything." I showed her the sleeves of the light sage dress I was wearing for emphasis. The flowy chiffon was opaque enough to cover my mark and was cuffed at the wrist to ensure it wouldn't accidentally unveil itself.

Her eyes sparkled at the challenge, "Trying to start a trend at Hogwarts this school year I see?"

I let her believe that was the truth. "And a darker colour palette. Blacks and deep jewel tones."

Chloé's eyes widened in surprise, and she clutched the fabric swatches to her chest. "But Aphrodite... Your pastels... Are you sure?"

"Positive. I've been thinking about this for a while," I lied, wanting to reassure her of my confidence in this decision. "I want to change things up a bit. Besides, if I'm unhappy, I can simply owl you for new garments, can't I?"

She looked completely shocked, but she nodded slowly. "Of course, you can... I'll go get my other book of swatches, then."

Chloé left the room, and I dropped the false facade. I realized I was subconsciously using many of the same techniques to deceive Chloé as I did to occlude my mind. Between Bellatrix trying to catch me off guard and trying not to truly give away to anyone how everything had been affecting me, my mind was nearly constantly shielded at this point. It was extremely exhausting.

Narcissa turned to me. There was a look of concern in her eyes. She knew how I loved the light spring colours, and how they reminded me of Mother and her garden. Even more than Chloé, she knew how drastic of a change this was. "Aphrodite..." She said softly.

I avoided her eyes, as I sat poised and straight, staring directly in front of me. "I'm only following your advice on fashion diplomacy," I said flatly. My hand rested over my concealed mark. "I need to look like one of them. Not like my 'blood traitor Ravenclaw' mother."

Narcissa sharply inhaled at the offensive quote, but she didn't argue with me. "Honestly, that's very clever... Just a bit shocking is all," she said.

"It's just clothes," I said impatiently, "Not as shocking as returning home and seeing half your hair a vastly different colour." As soon as the word left my mouth, I recognized my tone and immediately worked to corral my emotions. I took a deep breath before saying. "That was incredibly disrespectful of me. I apologize."

She looked down at her hands clasped at her lap. "All is forgiven. I know you're under an immense amount of stress right now."

By that time, we heard the click of Chloé's heels approach. As if synchronized, our backs straightened in our chairs, and pleasant expressions graced our faces. When she walked in, Narcissa said, "Oh Chloé, I was just about to ask Aphrodite what she thought about doing a couple of chiffon pieces..."

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