Inquisitorial Squad - 111

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Every time there was a meeting, Hermione communicated it to me through my journal. And every evening that there was a meeting, I went to Umbridge's office for tea and a chat about her work at the ministry.

By my visit the final week of October, I was easily Umbridge's pet, and she was none the wiser to my deception. When she questioned every other individual about suspect 'illicit' activities, she told me not to worry about it! I seemed the furthest from suspicion in her mind, and if anyone else had their suspicions, they were not voiced to me.

"Aphrodite," she said as she poured tea for the both of us. "I have a proposition for you."

I took the tea that she handed me, trying not to seem alarmed. Though I knew I was successful at convincing her of my intentions, paranoia at being caught had me on edge. I wondered what she could possibly want from me. Was she possibly starting to figure me out? "Yes, Professor?" I asked.

She sat, took a delicate sip of her tea, and sat the cup and saucer on her desk. "Since you are so interested in a potential ministry position, I have a sort of... Internship opportunity of sorts."

The thought made me internally recoil. I did not want to spend more time with her than necessary. My nerves were shot as it was from the anxiety of getting caught at some point. But I did have to vet this offer and see if it could help with my self-appointed mission.  "What sort of opportunity?"

She smiled. That same seedy smile she always did. "I need some additional eyes around the castle. I know we have prefects, but this is a group of individuals I have personally appointed and trust." I knew she had been trying to find Potter's secret group.

My brow furrowed as I sipped my tea. I then responded, "And you want me as part of this group?"

Her smile deepened. "Actually, dear, I feel you are the ideal person to lead this group."

I was surprised at how trusting she was of me, but I smiled brightly to feign excitement. "Of course! What an honour, professor."

Several knocks on the door interrupted us, and Umbridge called for the person to enter.

When the door opened, Filch came in. His normal, greasy and unkempt demeanour was exaggerated by red, pus-filled boils covering the entirety of his face.

"Good lord, Filch! What has happened to you?" Umbridge said, disgust evident on her face. My face also sported a disgusted scowl, despite my best attempts to school it.

"'Twas the Weasley boys, I suspect," he said with a scowl. "A bunch o' sweets left at my post where I was watching to catch them and that group o' Potters."

She took a deep breath that illustrated her failing to temper her anger. "You were hoodwinked by children?" She said.

A sheepish yellow-toothed smile was his reply. Then a boil burst, spurting puss out. It nearly made me sick.

Umbridge unconsciously snapped the pencil she had in her hands. "No worries, Mr Filch. You will soon enough have some assistance with my Inquisitorial Squad."

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