Aunt Bella - 125

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Draco jolted, leaping off the bed and pushing me off onto the cold wood floor. My head began to ache mildly.

Suddenly wide awake, I looked up at Draco, who was on his feet, rubbing his backside. He glared across the bed, then looked at me apologetically before offering me his hand. Taking it, I lifted myself to my feet.

Seeing I was now standing, Draco returned his gaze across the bed. My eyes followed his and met his aunt, standing a few feet some the bed with a rotten-toothed grin. "I knew a little stinging hex would wake you both up."

"What are you doing here Aunt Bella?" Draco asked. There was a mild edge to his voice, but I was sure he was controlling himself. Bellatrix Lestrange would not likely take kindly to disrespect from her nephew.

She started to walk around our side of the bed. "I first went into you room, dear Draco, to fetch you and start your training. Imagine my surprise when I found your bed empty!" 

Approaching me, she took her curved wand and tucked the tip under my chin. With a look of mock pity, she tutted a few times. "I do hope the debutante princess has not misconducted herself. I'm sure Narcissa taught you that the wizards worth marrying prefer unused goods."

My necklace tingled. I looked at Draco out of the corner of my eye. His hands clenched, then unclenched. The tingling subsided slightly. "You said training, Aunt Bella? What for?"

She recoiled, offended by the question. "Did you or did you not receive an assignment from the Dark Lord?" She nearly yelled as she neared him, inches from his face.

Draco swallowed nervously, "I meant what exactly are you training me on?"

She seemed to calm down, taking a step back and lifting her chin proudly. "We'll start with Occlumency. See where the day takes us." She looked at me. "I expect your pet to be there. She might help a bit." She looked between the two of us. "Now get dressed, I expect the two of you in the drawing room promptly." She turned on her heel and left the room.

I turned to Draco. "How bad did she get you with that stinging jinx? I still have touch of a headache."

"Still aches a bit," he said, rubbing his side again over his ebony silk pajama set. His brow then furrow as he turned to me. "What does your headache have to do with that."

"My defensor abilities," I explained. "If you get hurt, I get a headache as punishment for not protecting you."

A mix of realization and sadness cross his eyes. "You've had a lot of headaches in the past several years," he commented. "That doesn't seem fair to you."

I smirked. "Oh don't worry. You getting hurt hasn't caused every one of my headaches." He looked at me with a questioning brow quirked. "Some of them I got because your simply incorrigible."

He smirked, shaking his head with amusement. After a couple seconds he sighed.  "We shouldn't keep Aunt Bella waiting too long." Facing me, he took a couple of steps until he was only inches away from me. "I'm going to my room to get dressed. Meet me in the hallway and we'll go down together?" 

I nodded with a small smile. He then lifted his hand, using his crooked finger to lift my chin, and lower his head to connect our lips in a brief kiss. I couldn't control my crimson blush as he pulled away, and my necklace warmed. He smirked, knowing his effect on me, and left my room without another word.

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