Defense Against the Dark Arts - 11

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Before lunch, our first day back in classes was pretty uneventful. 

Well, not completely. Draco did get bit by a mandrake root that we were repotting in herbology, which was pretty funny.

"A flying car?" Draco exclaimed at lunch as he looked at the front page of the Daily Prophet. "How are they not expelled?" The revelation that it was Ron and Harry in the car wasn't news to anyone in the school at this point, but Draco had been mentioning it all morning.

I looked at the paper with him. "Honestly, I don't know. And I honestly don't know how they aren't dead, either! Flying straight into the whomping willow? I get nervous just being in sight of it!"

Draco huffed, torn up by his nemesis getting off seemingly scot-free. "Saint Potter," He said, then chuckled, looking around at the rest of us. "Maybe Dumbledore just felt sorry he won't have any parents to go home to."

The others sitting with us laughed around him as I glared. He'd known I was particularly sensitive to the frequent 'dead parents' comments considering my own mother was gone. At first, he smiled as the other laughed, feeling victory at his trivial win until he looked at me. The smile left his face and he looked forward, avoiding my gaze.

A single owl came in about that moment, odd for the middle of the day, and we watched as he flew over to the Gryffindor table and crash-landed in a bowl of crisps, causing a mess right in front of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I laughed at the scene, along with several of the other students sitting around.

That is until Ron picked up a red envelope.

"Is that..." I asked, a sense of dread filling me for Ron.

"A howler!" Draco said enthusiastically.

We watched as Ron shakily opened the envelope before the whole great hall was filled with the sound of Molly Weasley's voice, "RONALD WEASLEY, HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR!--"

The whole hall was silent except for the howler, and everyone's attention was turned to it. I'm not sure if seconds or minutes passed before the howler finally destroyed itself.

Draco turned to me, an amused smile on his face. I shared one with him as we both laughed. We took a look at Ron's horrified look and laughed harder.

We were soon heading to Defense Again the Dark Arts from the great hall. I noticed Ron and Harry ahead of us, so I ran a bit to catch up with them. "Ronald Weasley!" I mocked. Harry and Hermione laughed with me.

"Stop laughing," Ron said, irritated at being the butt of the joke.

I chuckled a few more times. "Honestly, you got off kind of easy," I said. "Howlers aren't fun, but considering you were seen by muggles..."

"Oh, we know!" Harry said. "Snape tried to get us expelled, but the decision was ultimately McGonagall's."

"You are going to have to fill me in on the story of why you decided to fly to the school instead of the train like the rest of us did," I responded.

Hermione huffed. "It was completely reckless! Do not encourage them!"

At that moment, Ron was pushed into me. "Hey!" he said as my necklace tingled slightly. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle passed us heading into the classroom.

I rolled my eyes, "Sorry. Guess I better head-on." 

Head over the threshold to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, I took a seat next to Draco. I was arranging my things when I notice he was staring at me with a glare.

I sighed. "What is it, Draco?" I asked, slamming a book onto the desk.

"You know very well what it is," he spat. "You shouldn't be associating with them."

"Last I checked, Malfoy, I didn't need to get your approval on my friends," I lowered my voice, "Besides, didn't your father get onto you for antagonizing Harry?" Part of me hated to stoop so low.

But a bigger part of me wanted to have the final word.

Draco was trying to think of some way to respond before the door to the professor's study opened and out came our teacher.

Gilderoy Lockhart.

My breath caught in my throat. 

"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." He gave one of his famous smiles. "Me."

"Gilderoy Lockhart. Order of Merlin, Third Class. Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League. And five times winner...

"...of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award," I said lightly in unison with our professor.

Draco mumbled, "I don't think I'll be able to handle this all year."

I turned to him with a glare. "Maybe everything isn't all about you."

"Well, it's not about him."

"I think you're jealous." I didn't truly think that, but again, it was the only comeback I could think of on the spot.

Draco didn't respond, and once again I had the final word. 

I turned my attention back to the front of the class just as Professor Lockheart lifted a cover off a cage, revealing what was contained inside.

"Cornish Pixies?" a Gryffindor student questioned.

It found it rather odd for a Defense Again the Dark Arts class, but then again, it was Lockhart. He'd had first-hand experience. There must be a method to his madness.

Then the professor opened up the cave unleashing the creatures.

Chaos ensued. The hoard of pixies went off in every direction, terrorizing students, destroying the classroom, or some combination of both.

I tried to shoo them off of me and figure out what to do, but two had managed to grab locks of my hair, tugging as they worked together to knot and tangle it.

Draco had grabbed a book and quickly stood on his chair to get a vantage point. He swung the book, surprisingly not hitting me, and sent the pixies flying off to the other side of the room. He jumped down, grabbed my hand, and rushed me out of the classroom with the other students.


Author's Note: Hope you are enjoying my story so far. If you are, please vote and comment so others might see it! I'd love to get your thought on how it's progressing!

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