Imagine life with Steve (Part two to Imagine being Steve's Best friend)

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1986 ( 3 months after the events of the Star court)

-The bell on the door softly rang as the hinges pulled the glass door shut behind you, one hand on the straps of your purse as the other hung to your side, your feet carried you towards the front desk as your eyes scanned all the covers around you. As you reached the empty desk however, you leaned over the display case and rang a small bell, one which was clearly supposed to be hidden. A familiar groan sounded from the back as you heard a girl's voice chuckle, "It's your turn to see what the brats want."
"It was my turn last time." He whined as you smiled, opening your purse to withdraw two sandwiches as the girl replied, "Um do you want me to tell the mother of your weird children's group that you are slacking off again, just like you did at Scoops?"
"And what does that mean you are doing, since you are sitting in the back with me too, debating if Leslie Easterbrooks is hot or not?"
"My job, unlike you who is eating all the twirlers."
"I am not." He replied, before exiting the back room, "Welcome to Family Videos, how may I... oh, hey Babe."
"Is that how you greet all your female customers?" You raised an eyebrow, before hearing Robin, "Do my ears deceive me, or is that Miss Hopper I hear."
"Your ears do not lie Miss Buckley, and I come bearing peanut butter and honey sandwiches, of course home made by our favorite little sister."
-As Robin emerged you extended your hands to both of them holding El's creations as you continued, "I also am here to see if you have Howard the Duck on VHS yet, and 9 1/2 weeks."
"I can check for both, if I may ask however why we will be needing those?" Steve asked as you smiled, "The kids are going to have a sleep over tonight, meaning they get to watch Howard the Duck, and Robin and I will be watching 9 1/2 weeks."
"What about me?" He pouted as you smiled, "I figured you would watch Howard with Dustin and the kids."
"Don't they have school soon?" Robin asked as you looked at Steve with a smile, "This is the last hurrah before school."
"Ahhh yes, the brats are going to school next week." Robin asked as she leaned next to Steve, "Soon we will be child free!"
"Robin, when they are at school we all are working." Steve corrected as she sighed, "A woman can dream."
"You love them." You replied as she stood up, and looked to you both, before walking away, "Yeah, I love them so much, I'm going to go check that the movies are here."
-When she walked away you looked at Steve, "If you don't want to watch Howard the Duck it's fine."
"I know, but I don't want to crash yours and Robin's plan, besides, I think she likes actually having a female friend."
"And besides, the kids like you wayyyyyy more than me."
"Bullshit," He smiled before gently grabbing your chin, and running his thumb along your jawbone, "How was work?"
"The new sheriff is an idiot." You answered as he whispered, "Well that's a bias opinion."
"Clearly." You whispered as Steve leaned forward and kissed you tenderly, before whispering, "You are probably right though."
"I always am." You replied, before leaning forward more to kiss him again, this time for longer. However it was soon interrupted by Robin clearing her throat, "You're scaring all the customers away."
"Robin, I am your only customer."
"Yeah, because they know you are fucking the customer service staff. They see you enter and run."
"Ha ha very funny." You answered as you took the movies from her and put them in your purse, "Steve is gonna pay for them."
"Why me?" He asked as you smiled, "Because you love me."
-As you left Robin smiled, "You two are sickening."
"Shut up, you know you love us." He joked before the two of them retreated to the back room again.
-You went to Billy's grave, just like you did everyday before you went home, you sat there for a while every time and just talked to him, telling him every little detail of your day, and how much you missed him.
-When you got back to the trailer, you smiled at the bikes littering the front lawn, all but one was there. As you exited the car you could hear them loudly laughing from inside, a smile lighting up your face as you thought about how good it was to hear them all laugh after everything that had happened to them just six months prior. Your feet stopping for a moment as you thought back to the night at the Starcourt, your eyes slightly watering as you remembered the feeling of your heart being ripped from your chest. However you couldn't cry, not right before entering the kid's favorite hangout.
-You opened the door to see all the kids playing DND, the boys were convinced they were going to have Max and El dungeon masters before school started, Dustin was screaming in victory as he rolled a D20, clearly getting a 20.
"Take that, I slayed the dragon all by myself!"
"You cheated." Mike whined as El looked at him, "No he didn't."
"He totally did, everyone saw it."
"I didn't." You answered as you placed your bag down onto your father's lazy boy, and looked over the layout, "Ah I see you chose a dark meadow with a mysterious cave full of riches, good choice."
"Max and I picked it." El replied as you walked over and kissed the top of her head.
"So did you get the movies?" Lucas asked as you smirked, "Yeah, thankfully they had them. I forgot to tell Steve though to grab snacks."
"Knowing Steve, he has a stash somewhere in the trailer, honestly probably under your bed." Mike replied, reaching into the Cheetos as you shook your head, "Also, we are having spaghetti for dinner, and I expect you all to eat it, or no pancakes in the morning."
"Yes mom." They all said in unison, before you instructed, "Now finish your game, and when I am done with dinner we can eat."
"What about Robin and Steve?" El asked as you shrugged, "I dropped them off the two sandwiches you made them, so they should be okay."
-When Steve and Robin got home that night, the kids were already all piled into Hopper's old room, the movie was half way through, and all the snacks in the stash were ransacked. Your back to the door as you washed the dishes, and hummed to the radio. As your hips swayed Steve got lost in the movement of your body as Robin whispered, "Gag me."
"Shut up, I'm sure if you ever fall in love that you will act the same way." He whispered before starting towards you, and wrapping his arms around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder as you whispered, "Welcome home Mr. Harrington."
"Glad to be home Miss Hopper." He replied before Robin called, "Where's my welcome home?"
"Welcome home my lovely Robin, how was work?" You dramatically asked as the duo cracked a smile.
-At the sound of his voice Dustin called out, "Hurry up Steve, you are about to miss the best part."
"Go." You whispered before he kissed your cheek and ran off.
"Have I told you lately you two are..."
"Sickening." You cut her off as she flopped on the couch, and kicked her feet up onto the coffee table.
"I was going to say meant for each other, but that too." She answered as you put the last dish on the drying rack and made your way to the other movie case on the table, "Living room, my room, or yours?"
"Yours, Miss I need a memory foam mattress."
"That's what happens when you need absolute comfort." You smiled before you both retreated to the room, not without you saying though, "I promise the sheets are clean."
-You and Robin fell asleep half way through the movie, and when you awoke that morning, you felt a weight over your torso, and a firm body pressed against your back, Steve's soft snores filling your ears as you slowly opened your eyes to see Robin fast asleep, facing you.
-You were thankful that Steve and Robin had the weekend before the kids went back to school off, the owner was smart enough to know that the duo couldn't have separate schedules, so he always gave them the same shift.
-You also had a surprise planned for the kids, but you hadn't told anyone about it, not even Steve.
-When you were done making the kids pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, diced fruit and toast, you all went to play kickball in the backyard. All the kids fighting over whose team you would be on as you loudly announced, "Robin and Steve are team captains!"
-As the two stood in-front of the small group, and looked over you all, you loudly asked, "Whoever can answer this question right gets to go first. What infamous ship was discovered last year, that sunk in 1912?"
"The Titanic!" Steve screamed, as Robin just looked at him, shocked that he knew anything about History.
"That's correct." You beamed as Steve looked at Robin, "She wouldn't shut up about it, that's the only reason I remembered."
"Steve you get to pick..."
"I want Dustin." He cut you off as Dustin jogged over and high fived Steve, as Robin chuckled, "I want [Y\N] then."
"We get Lucas."
"Then we get Max"
"I want Mike."
"El, get your ass over here."
"So guys vs girls?" You smirked as you heard the car door shut, the others oblivious to it, as you continued, "Fine, but we get Will."
"What are you..." Mike started as Joyce rounded the corner, Will and Johnathon not far behind.
-When the kids saw him they all took off to tackle him, as you patiently waited your turn. Joyce and Johnathon smiling as Steve looked at you, "Did you invite her?"
"Yeah, I figured it had been a while since the kids saw them, and besides, Joyce needed to come home." You whispered as he wrapped an arm around you and kissed your temple, "You really are a great mom."
"Hey, no kissing the enemy." Robin teased as you softly pushed away, and made your way to Joyce, and wrapped her in a hug
"Thank you for coming." You whispered softly as she squeezed, "Thank you for inviting me."
"Well I know the kids missed him, and I am sure Nancy will appreciate seeing Jonathan."
"And you know I will just be grateful to see my boys happy." She smiled as you pulled back slightly, and raised an eyebrow, "And to think, I thought you would be happy to see me."
-You looked to Jonathan and reached in your pocket, extracting the keys to your car, and tossing them to him, "Two rules: don't crash my car, and don't have sex in my car."
"I am sure you and the king already do." Jonathan replied as you snapped back, "It's too cramped actually, so we do it in the bed of the truck."
"Gross." He grumbled before turning away towards the car, as you looked to Joyce, "You are welcome to join the game if you like, you can be on Steve's team."
"I think I am just going to go inside, maybe make some tea."
"Okay, it's in the second cabinet, bottom shelve. All the coffee cups are in the first one."
-When she walked into the trailer she wandered around slightly, smiling at the photograph from your graduation of you and El that was framed. She looked at every picture that decorated the living room, and even picked up the one that Robin had given you of you, Steve, and El, that looked like a regular family photo, El stood in front of you and Steve as you both put your hands on her shoulder.
"You raised her right Hopper." Joyce whispered to no one as she put it down and started down the hall, where she saw the photographs lining the wall, and stopped at the one outside your bedroom.
-Hopper's eyes looked back at her as he was looking towards the camera in his sheriff's uniform, the familiar photograph once hung in the police station, meaning you must have taken it. Her finger slid down the sleek glass as her eyes watered slightly.
-A bit further down the hall was a group picture, that hung beside the door to Hopper's old room, which you had moved El into. Her smile raising as she looked at all of them lined up, dressed for what had been a sad event, and yet still they had all managed to make Max smile.
- After about 10 rounds you all decided to call it quits, the score was 30- 31 meaning your team won. The girls were quick to rub it in the guy's face, as Will just chuckled, your arm going around him as you whispered, "Was this a good surprise for them?"
"The best."
-Once inside you noticed Joyce was in Hopper's Lazy boy, your heart dropped because at first you thought it was him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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