Sam Winchester tell me you didn't take me here to dump me....

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"Sammy have you seen my heels?" You screamed as you went running through the apartment you and your boyfriend shared. 

"Did you check the closet?" 

"Yea, I checked everywhere." 

"Just wear your chucks. It will be fine." He screamed as he grabbed his wallet. 

          He told you when he got home from classes that he was taking you on a date, in an hour! Semi late classes left you leaving at 7, only an hour to change from your sweatpants and Sam's sweatshirt to a nice dress, your messy hair transformed to loose curls, and no makeup turned to eye liner, mascara, and red lips. You throw your chucks on and raced back downstairs, but not before seeing the freshly fallen snow fluttering by the window. 

"Sweetie are you sure you wanna go out tonight? It's cold, and snowing." 

"Yea, here's your coat." He sweetly slipped your coat over your arms as you stated at him, a distant look in his eyes. 

"Are you ok?" You asked 

"Of course." He leaned in and kissed you lightly on the lips, the red transferring from yours to his. "Ready to face the cold?" He asked, a smile, which seemed forced to you, gracing his face. 

         You drove to the restaurant in silence, classic rock softly playing. "Since when have you liked Kansas?" You broke the silence 

"Hmmmm oh I figured I would give it a listen." He said, you were with Sam long enough to tell when he lied, or was bothered. Right now you were reading both... Then you started thinking the worst, was he cheating on you, was he going to dump you. 

"Sam are you ok?" You asked again 

"Yea of course I am. Are you ok?" He was slightly annoyed as he asked. 

"Not so sure anymore." You whispered as you pulled up to a extremely fancy restaurant. You looked at Sam's profile as you pulled up to park. 

"Why are we here?" You asked, placing a hand on his thigh, he jumped a bit and almost seemed to pull away, holy shit he's going to break up with you. 

"Reasons, lets go." He said, quickly getting out of the driver side and coming round to the door to get you. 

            You opened it though before he could and just walked towards the door. "Table under Samuel Winchester." He said to the front desk man. 

"Oh well Mr. And Mrs. Winchester..." 

"Sam is fine." He snapped 

"Oh ok Sam, right this way." He seemed annoyed now but you could see that Sam could care less, you however were turning a slight shade of red. 

"Sam what are you doing?" You whispered as you were seated

"Well right now I am ordering us drinks, the lady would like a glass of White Zinfandel, and I would like a hennessey whiskey."

"Sorry sir we don't..."

"Find some." He growled

"Sam.... What was that about?" You whispered, "I've never seen yo drink whiskey before?"

"Just stressed Babe, need to calm my nerves."

"Why are you stressed, I mean it's not like you took me here to break up, you have nothing to worry about."

          Silence, he was silent, didn't deny it, didn't state it as truth, but the silence was enough.

"Oh my god you did." You gasped, a bit louder then you anticipated.

"[Y/n] shhh..."

"Sam tell me you didn't bring me here to break up with me." You shouted, every head turning towards you 

"Can we please just..."

"I can't BELIEVE you!" You stood up and stormed out into the cold, walking in the snow though proved to be a bad choice though since your skirt barely touched your knees and it was freezing cold outside. You heard footsteps hurrying behind you and the call of your name but you didn't care. Sadly you were in love with a long legged Sasquatch so he quickly caught up and stopped you.

"Hey, Will you stop a minute?" He pulled you to a stop, your arms crossed over your chest as you looked at him, tears frozen to your face. 

"Fine. But if you are going to do it, can we not do it in the cold?" You snapped

"I'm not breaking up with you." He said, "I love you too much to do that to you."

"Well what has been with all the distance today, or the far away look you keep getting, or the snapping at random people?"

"Because what is today?" Sam whispered

"January 24th?" You replied confused

"Remember how I told you that my family hated me for leaving?"


"Today is my brother's birthday. he pretty much raised me growing up. I am distracted because I was thinking about how much I miss them, but then I am also reminded of the fact that if I didn't leave I would have never met you."

"So you wanted to take me out so that you would forget about your family." You realized how much of an asshole you must have looked like right now, and back at the restaurant.

"And also to thank you for at least distracting me a little bit today, even if you didn't know it." He smiled his goofy smile that you loved as you took a step closer

"I have a good idea to distract that brain of yours." You said, lust dripping off your voice.

"Well first let's get you out of the cold." He smiled as he threw his over sized jacket over your own jacket.


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