Are you going to kiss me or not (Castiel)

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We were sittin' up there on your momma's roof
Talkin' 'bout everything under the moon
With the smell of honeysuckle and your perfume
All I could think about was my next move

"Do you miss it?" She asked as she looked towards the sky, we were seated on the roof of the impala, just talking about anything and everything.

"By it are you referring to Heaven?"

"Yea." Her eyes never left the sky

"Well I mean yes but I like Earth, and humans so it is ok."

I looked at the silhouette of her as she sat with her knees to her chest, with her head resting on them as she wrapped her arms around them. She was one of the most beautiful creatures that I had seen and I was so happy that God had created her, and let me be part of her life. I had this fluttering in my chest and stomach whenever I was near her and I couldn't help but enjoy the perfume she would wear, whenever I smelt something as sweet as honeysuckles or the other ingredients in the Wild Honeysuckle perfume she wore my mind would drift to her. When I asked the boys about this they explained to me how this was what love felt like, and not the love the babysitter and pizza man shared but what real love can feel like. They told me I should tell her, or make what Dean referred to as moves. However it seemed harder then I thought, for I was too shy to actully follow Dean's advice.

Oh, but you were so shy, so was I
Maybe that's why it was so hard to believe
When you smiled and said to me
"Are you gonna kiss me or not?

Are we gonna do this or what?
I think you know I like you a lot
But you're 'bout to miss your shot
Are you gonna kiss me or not?"

"Hey Cas?" She asked again

"Yea." She had turned her head to look at me, her eyes shining in the moon light.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Well I'm thinking about..." I paused, do I tell her I am thinking about her beauty and how much I love her personality and how I think I am in love with her because she gives me this funny feeling, or lie, "how beautiful it is tonight."

"Oh." She looked a little let down, I mentally went 'nice job stupid.'

"What are you thinking about?"

"This guy, and how much he makes me feel happy. Then I think about how foolish I am for loving him, so I am thinking about giving up."

"I don't think it is foolish to love." I answered her

"Are you in love?" She asked

"Yes I think I am."



"Are you going to kiss me or not?"

I was taken aback, I looked at her wide eyed and couldn't formulate words.

"I mean you might think it is silly but I really like you but I never thought you would like me back. I mean if you don't want to then that's ok. I'm sorry for asking..."

"I think I love you too." I finally spit out, she looked shocked.


"Yea I think I love you too, you give me this fuzzy feeling and I think about you when I see the littlest things, like when I see a pretty flower I think of how you are beautiful just like the flower, or when I smell honey suckles you pop into my mind, or...."


"What love?"

"Stop rambling and just come here." I scooted closer and slowly brought my face closer to hers, and then our lips collided.

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