Part 4 of Mother (Dean)

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Huge Time Jump!

"He's died too." Metatron informed you and Castiel.

"NO!!!!" The scream erupted from your throat as you zapped out of there. When Cas called upon you to leave the throne you had no idea it was because Metatron requested your presences. You arrived in front of your father, angry flowing from you.

"You promised!"

"Darling why are you so..."

"He's really died, isn't he?" Tears threatening to leave your eyes, since when could Demons cry, maybe it was the human side of you that made it so you were.

He sighed, "Yes, Dean Winchester is dead."

"When you brought me back, I had two request!" You screamed as the other minions slowly backed away, your eyes now fully red.

"[Y/N] we can..."

"NO! You go wake him up NOW!"

"Well luckily the mark won't let him die, bad news, he will be a demon."

"Go." you growled as he disappeared, causing you to slump into the throne next to his. Two memories rushing into your head.

"Darn it Castiel.-- Ya I'm here, which vessel am I looking for?" He peered over the counter and looked at the body of his little girl, the one who so desperately wanted to be human.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He growled into the phone. He knelt down next to her body, if he could cry he would be sobbing right now. He placed a hand on your head and shut the phone in anger. He kissed your temple as he whispered softly, "My sweet darling, it's daddy. Honey I know you can hear me and Daddy needs you to get up before the mean angel come to collect you." Your eyes fluttered open, except this time they were red and Eve was out of your head.

"Daddy." You whispered as he collected you into his arms

"Shhh sweetie we are going home."

You don't know when you feel back asleep but when you awoke it was about 100 degrees hotter and your servant, James.

"Oh your awake." James gasped

"James?" I sat up as he rushed to my side, "I'm back aren't I?"

"Yes, your father would like to see you."

"Ok, I can escort myself, why don't you go do something."

"Yes Miss." He hurried out of the room as I walked to the closet. I opened it to reveal the finest tailored dresses and clothes imaginable. I reached inside and withdrew a black tee shirt, red flannel and black skinny jeans. I pulled my black heels on and quickly hurried to the room where he was. Opening the doors I shouted, "Crowley!"

"Ah Sweetie you are awake." He smiled as he sat in his throne, mine to his right.

"I have two request and you will follow them or so help me, I will leave again." I hissed.

"Anything for you sweetie."

"You will protect Dean Winchester, anything you want to do with him you run by me."

"Ahhh even when you are in hell you are protecting him." He slyly smiled before answering, "It's done, anything else you want."

"You never mention my existence to him or Sam, or anyone related to their lives."

"What about Meg and Castiel?" He asked

"Why would Cas be a..."

"We are what you call partners."

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