Kiss me in the Rain

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"Kiss me." I asked him as we stood outside the motel door, his brother had been so kind as to get another room, one that was not next door. So we had our room, no little brother to worry about. After we had finished the case of the murderous werewolf that was eating the citizens that resided in Jensen, Utah Dean had decided to take you out in a real date, I mean it was just cheap, greasy diner food and then a small drive around town, but it was better then what you normally got.

He leaned forward and just as he was about to kiss you, you bolted into the rain. You laughed as the cool droplets hit your hair and face and Then even harder when you saw Dean staring at you like you were nuts.
"I want you to kiss me out here!" You shouted as he shook his head laughing.
"Come in babe, you are going to get sick, and I refuse to take care of you this time."
"Come over here and make me!" You shouted in response as you twirled in the wetness. My out came to a stop though when you felt two hands join your sides and bring you to a stop. You looked up as Dean slowly began getting as soaked as you did.
"If I get sick..." He started
"Oh just shut up and kiss me." You smiled as he quickly attacked your lips with his own. For you entwined your fingers of one hand into his dampened, blonde hair as the other rested on his neck, his own pulling you closer to him as the rain drowned you both. When you finally pulled apart for air you just looked into his green apple eyes, "I love you." You whispered
"I love you too, now can I get you inside before you get pneumonia."
"Make me." You sassed as he quickly reacted. A small scream of glee and surprise escaped as he scooped you up bridal style and carried you into the dark room. He laid you on the bed and wasted no time getting onto of you and making out, but there was a sudden urge you had to deal with.
"Dean... Wait...." You finally managed to get out, finally noticing that while he was attacking your face he somehow got his shirt off, revealing that body that you like to stare at sometimes
"Why baby? You aren't on..."
"God no! We aren't doing shark week this week, however all that diner soda has made it so that I have to pee, and I think if I peed on you I would ruin the mood. So can you move?"
He rolled over and flopped on the bed as you scrambled towards the bathroom, mouthing a sorry before you closed the door and reliving your bladder. You quickly glanced at your reflection in the small mirror and smiled, for you looked like a soaking wet, hot mess. For you shirt was sticking tightly to your body, your makeup was running and smeared a bit and your hair was soaking wet and looked like a mess, and somehow Dean Winchester still wanted you, in every way imaginable. You placed a hand on the door and opened it before going, "is there any reason you are naked in my bed?"

For there he laid, under the covers but you still knew that he was naked under that sheet. He smiled at you and then said, "take it off." With a wink.
"What did you just tell me?"
"You heard me. Take. It. Off." He pointed towards you and smiled as you laughed a bit. You threw the wet shirt off and slipped out of the jeans, before you went to join him in the bed. And then the rest is a secret.

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