Imagine Billy telling you he loved you

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Sneaking around was something you never thought you would be good at... but something you soon learned you were amazing at.

As a Henderison, you were tasked as the official older sister of the party, along with Nancy Wheeler. You were the one to buy snacks for campanies, drive them wherever they couldn't bike, babysit the sleepovers, dress up for Halloween, you were the one who gave the girl advice and told them all to behave when no one else could, you even played DND with them, even though you were graduated. You also were not supposed to get involved with anyone who could affect the group, or their dynamic.

You were sitting in his sofa, the movie long forgotten as you basically laid on top of him, your chin as his chest as your fingers played with the blonde waves of silky hair, his own hands resting on your hips.
"So are you sure your parents aren't going to walk in on this?" You whispered, his chest vibrating as he replied, "For the hundredth time babe, parents are gone for the weekend, and Maxine went to her little friend's house and now it is just you and me, all weekend. We can do whatever the hell you want to baby girl."
"Well thank goodness that this is all I want to do." You smiled as you leaned forward and found your lips on his, the heat of the moment taking hold. Soon your back was on the sofa, his body looming over you before he reached for the hem of his shirt and discarded the half buttoned maroon cotton to the ground before returning to making out with you. His hand snakes up your blouse as you moaned in pleasure, and then you heard the clearing of a throat, causing Billy to sit up.
"Really, can I go one weekend without you bringing some hussy over to our house and defiling our... [Y/N]?"
You knew that she saw you, and when you looked towards them your face turned crimson, Billy's hand still up your blouse as you looked towards the party, Dustin included.
"Fuck." You sighed as Billy snapped, "You done here shithead?"
She huffed off, each member of the party lingered a millisecond linger then the last before all that was left was Dustin.
"What are you staring at shit head?" Billy snapped, feeling Dustin's eyes still on him, he exited in silence as Billy turned his attention back to you. Your mood ruined it though, and as he kissed the skin of your neck you huffed out, "Take me home Billy."
"What do you..."
"Just.... take me home baby." You sighed as he looked at you, wondering if you were serious. However he was quick to dismount you, and return his shirt to his torso. You sat up and watched, before jumping up to take his hand. Before leaving you looked to the stairs, and called, "See ya dweebs later."

He pulled up to the house for the first time in 3 months, his roaring motor silencing as he turned the key, and looked at you. His own heart breaking as he noticed the tears dripping down your face. His hand cupping your face as he wiped it away.
"Hey, it is okay, how bad can it be that he..."
"Bad." You whispered, "This isn't about me dating though, but who..."
"They don't even know..."
"You are Max's stepbrother, thus making you a official sibling of the party, and even though you are not involved, you are still part of the agreement."
"Agreement to what?"
"I promised them I would never get involved with anyone connected to the party, for the assurance of the party. I mean if we were to break up it..."
"You think we are going to break up?" He pulled away his hand as your eyes snapped to his, tears welling up as you whispered, "Never."
"Well if this is such an issue then maybe we should." He huffed, before hitting his steering wheel, causing you to jump.
Then it was silent, you both had no idea how long you sat there, both of you teary eyed at the thought of ending what had been the best three months of your lives. Neither of you could muster the courage to look at the other, knowing that the sight would cause you to cry worse.

Finally it was Billy who broke the silence, a muffled sob breaking the thickness of it as his hand went to his mouth. To him you were the most important thing he had, you kept him grounded, kept him straight, were making him want to be a better person. To him losing you would be as bad as it was when his mother left. He loved you more then any other girl, but you didn't know that, cause he hadn't told you yet. That's why that weekend was so important to him, cause he had a plan to tell you, tomorrow at his dining room table, but now his sister ruined it.
Your heart shattered at the sound, you loved Billy more then any boy before, with him everything just felt right. He was an asshole sometimes, but never to you, to you he was nothing but kind, considerate, and while he was not a romantic person he still made you feel important, and he really tried to be romantic, cause you were more then just a fling, you were his. That was the thing you actually loved most about him, that he was willing to try having a relationship with you.
"Billy, come here." You turned and wrapped your arms around him, feeling him stiffen under you, however he softened soon after.
"Damn it." He breathed, still fixed on the window as he took an arm and slung it around you, his other hand wiping down his face as he continued, "I don't give a fuck what they think, [Y/N], I love you more then anything, and those shitheads are just going to have to deal with it."
"You love me?" His head turned to she yours pointed up towards his, arms still wrapped around his middle as his own pulled you closer.
"Yeah." He muttered, suddenly nervous as you remained silent for a second.
"I love you too, and those shitheads better learn to like it too."
"So we..."
"You just said you loved me Billy, you are stuck with me now for life." You giggled.

After a while of sitting there you finally whispered, "Want to come in?"
"Won't your mom see..."
"Just park where you usually do. I will leave the window open for ya." You smiled as you leaned up and kissed him, the salty tears flavored it, but neither of you cared as you pulled away.
"I'll be there in 15 baby girl." He whispered as you smiled, before getting out. The camero coming to life behind you as the lights blinded you, but that didn't stop you from waving before retreating to your room. And as you flopped down onto your bed, all you could think was that Billy Hargrove said he loved you.


As Billy stepped out he inhaled the Indianapolis air, and while it was nothing like the California air, it was refreshing. He hated this place at first, but this place brought him the best thing he could have asked for. He looked up to the clear sky, before lighting a cigarette and starting his walk towards your place. The night was silent, not even a cricket was chirping, however soon he heard it, "Hey asshole!"
He turned to see your little brother on his bike, his light blinding him as he stopped in front of him.
"Where you going?" He snapped as Billy exhaled a puff of smoke, his rough exterior showing now.
"None of your business shithead."
"Listen, I am not stupid. I know where you are going and I would like to instate a verbal contract on how to go forward with the situation."
"You what?" He snapped
"Listen, Max told us about how you have been acting differently, and how she thought it was cause you had a girl. I am not happy it is my sister however, but she is an adult. While she is also a member of the party by association, my associates and I have decided that if she is happy and you are happy that we shall not interfere. However this does not mean I am happy about it, and if you hurt her then we have also decided to take drastic measures."
"Okay." He answered confused
"Listen asshole, I just gave you permission to date my sister, a Thank You would be nice."
He scoffed, and bowed, "Thank You."
That's when Dustin took off, leaving Billy in the dust as he breathed out, "Shithead."

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