I dont

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Your phone came to life, blaring Hotel California, alerting you to the fact that your green eyed brother had just texted you, "I'll pick you up in five, please be dressed this time."
You texted back with a smile, "and if I'm not??????"
It didn't take long for the reply, "then you explain to the Angel why one of his best friends is missing his wedding."
"Fine, I'm already ready anyway." You replied annoyed, for you were a coward.

You were a coward for harboring feelings for a man who wasn't even a man but an angel in a trench coat. You had a physical attraction to him the moment you met him, yet you didn't truly fall in love until you got to know him better, when you took care of him while he was crazy. That's when you fell harder then you had ever fallen for a man, especially one of the supernatural realm. But you were too chicken to tell and now you were attending his wedding, to a girl you had just met, and was pretty annoyed you were invited.

Your thought were interrupted by beeping, meaning the boys were waiting as you quickly ran out the door in combat boots and a lace dress with flannel sort over it.

You say in the first pew and smiled up at the three men in front of you, Cas glancing around the empty chapel, his eyes meeting yours occasionally, causing him to smile as you gave him a thumbs up. Too bad your heart was breaking inside. And then you heard the March, and turned to see her walking towards the front, wearing the most gorgeous wedding dress, your eyes however moved from her, to the Angel in the front, who looked nervous.

"Now the couple had written vows that they would like to share with you today. I believe Malinda will go first." The pastor said.

"Castiel, when you showed up on my doorstep with a badge and your partner here, I never expected to be standing with you here today. I would have never guessed that you would soon replace my darling husband who died far before his time, I can say that you have made me the happiest I could be given the recent events and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I love you." Awes filled the chapel as she folded up the napkin she wrote them on as Cas pulled out his own

"My darling, when I first met you, it was like a whole new experience, I found myself loving you more and more, with every passing moment. I soon found that you would loud my brain every second after you walked into my life. I rebelled for you, I have killed for you, and I will never stop loving you [Y/N] Winchester."

Your eyes grew wide as the whole chapel was silent, he was looking at the napkin and then looked up, meeting the shocked face of his bride.
"What is it?" He asked confused.
"You said [Y/N]." She said
"What are you talking about? No I didn't."
She looked down, "Cas, you even have it written on the paper."
"Malinda I don't..."
"Oh now you know my name!" She screamed, everyone around him still in shock
"Baby I love you." Cas said.
"Clearly not as much as [Y/N] Winchester!" Malinda lifted her skirt and stormed out the chapel, but not before flipping you off.
"Did I really say your sister's name?" Cas asked Sam and Dean who could do nothing but nod.
"Cas." You finally stuttered out.
"I am so..." He started
"Is it true, do you love me?"
"I do, but due to your earthly relations I was scared to ever tell you, however I hope you and your brothers can forgive me for my outbur...."
"I love you too, I was just too scared to ever tell you, in fear that you would just view me as some silly human."
"Well since I assume I am single, would you like to go on a date some time to discuss this more?"
"I would love too."
"So wait does this make Malinda single?" Dean asked, causing Cas to nod his head, and then Dean went running after her, in hope to get a broken heart hookup.

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