The second part to Leave Me

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As I stood before them it felt almost unreal, that so much had changed but at the same time, it hadn't.

"Oh please Iris, you have as much blood on your hands as anyone else. And you, [Y/N], you were in love with a..."

"Our past don't matter Mr. Drake, what matters is keeping us alive. Because who knows what will happen to all of us if they decided to repose the property, or force us to sell because all of our guest keep disappearing." I snapped, for it was simple, I was trying to save the people I had come to know as my family, my closet friends and the man who I lied to. I couldn't see them perish, not after all the Cortez had already taken from her.

Hazel didn't dare look at me, even though this was the closet she had come near me since the day I admitted to the crime she committed. She never made eye contact or spoke a word to me, I had lost her friendship. Her friendship was replaced by the two woman who stood on either side of me, fighting for the same thing I was, a place to call home.

"Oh please, [Y/N], you as well as any of us know that murder and death has stunk up this hell hole since the day it opened. So what if they destroy it, Hell can't be as awful as this prison."

"Now Sally that is no way to speak of the Cortez." His accent filled the air, everyone's head snapping towards him but my own, "Now I myself have decided to stop the killing for the time being."

"Really, I mean this place was designed to be your killing...." Hazel started

"I am well aware of how I designed the building my dearest, however I am also aware that once this landmark receives the title of historical landmark they will never knock it down, for ever box is filled but one."

"Which would be?" Sally barked

"The hotel was built in 1926, meaning that in 2026 it can be declared a historic landmark. So the killing will stop until then. For now you must listen to whatever these three woman tell you."

"And why would we?"

"Remember what happened the last time you disobeyed me Sally, don't make me do it again. That will be all." He turned on his heels and started back towards the room I once called home.

"Huh, well I don't see why we must listen to someone who can betray a man so easily?" Hazel asked, causing my eyes to finally leave the ground and meet hers, for the first time she looked at me and it was filled with nothing but hatred.

"Well if anyone would know anything about betrayal it would be you Mrs.Evers." I snapped as I turned to the stairs where I began to descend, and then I saw her.

No one had seen her since she died, I found myself in her room several times a week, for she was the uncommon friend I found during my years by his side. I would always make sure I cleaned her room, making it dust free, fluffed her pillows, and leave out her favorite drink, I would also always see the empty glass when I would return the next time I would come.

"My dear sweet child." She said as she stretched her arms to me, I ran into them and found her stroking my hair.

"Where have you been?" I whispered

"Watching, always. I have been watching since the day to took on her sins."

"I miss him. Is he well?"

"He won't have dinners with me now that you are gone, we have had a few but they would always turn into him kicking me out because he called for you and was answered by Hazel. He misses you my dear."

"And he sent me away."

"For something you never even did, and he knows that now." I lifted my head and looked into her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"The last time we were together last month he told me it made no sense, for you never left the hotel so how could you have planted any evidence and you never left his side so how could you call the police. He knows the truth I believe."

Before I could say anything Liz leaned over the banister, "[Y/N] who are you talking to?" After looking at her for a moment I looked back to the place Elizabeth once stood but found no one there.

"What is it Liz?"

"Mr. March would like a drink, and he wants you to deliver it." I could hear the smile on her voice as I turned around and started back up the stairs, towards the tray containing a crystal bottle and two glasses.

As I approached the door I was so familiar with, I could hear the music flowing through the crack under the door, before I could knock though the door was throw open and Hazel stood before me, tears in her eyes, she looked at me with hatred but the sound that left her made my heart break.

"Thank you." She pushed past me and left me to the opened door, the song now fully blasting down the halls, I thought I was living in a dream, for this was my old life, the life I was removed from. And then he came into the hall, and looked at me in his devil's night best.

"[Y/N]." He whispered as I bowed my head and started bringing his drink to the table.

"Here is your drink sir." As I turned to leave though his hand wrapped around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks, I turned my head and saw something in his eyes I never saw before, pain.

"Don't leave my dear. Sit, have a drink."

"But isn't Elizabeth coming soon?" I motioned towards the dinner on the table, which just happened to be [Y/F/M].

"This dinner isn't for her my love, but you." His grip went from my wrist to holding my hand and raising it to his mouth. He then lead me to the seat where Elizabeth sat the day he sent me away and he hurried to pull the chair out for me.

"James I am underdressed." I whispered as I took the seat and looked at him. He looked down at me, "My dear, you have never looked more gorgeous."
As I watched him walk back to his seat, "why am I here James?"

"Because I was wrong, for when I confronted Mrs.Evers she admitted to her sins and has been punished for her betrayal. And so I have asked you to forgive me, and to take me back?"

"Well you did nothing wrong so you need no forgiveness."

"I did though, for I sent you away even though you did nothing wrong. You were just making sure that Mrs. Evers got what she wanted in life, and were willing to give up what you loved the most. I have seen the light now my love and I want you back."

"And I will take you back, but I ask only one thing."

"Whatever you want, it is yours." He said as I got up and started towards him. I found myself sitting on his lap and looking into his eyes, they looked so excited to have me so close it seemed , but I could see the sorrow in his eyes as well.

"I want you." I whispered before my lips found his, and finally after a year, everything felt right again.

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