Daryl thinks you are cheating

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His eyes were fixed on the beer that sat on the counter, he opened it an hour ago but yet he never took a sip, for he was too busy trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall, you were the love of his life and he was convinced that you didn't love him back, for the past week or so you had been acting strange, and more friendly with Rick then usual. When he would come around the two of you would get real quiet, and you would shot him a fake smile. He tried to ignore it, but after seeing you hug him everything made sense. He walked out and there you were just hugging him like nothing was wrong, like he didn't exist. It was the feeling he hadn't felt for awhile now, he felt completely alone. He went to bed that night, leaving the full beer sitting on the counter, while he went and curled up in the cold, empty bed.

Y/N pov

When Michonne answered the door she was only in a robe, she looked annoyed but when she saw your face she knew it could only be one thing.
"Come here baby." She cooed as she took you in her arms, "it will be ok."

"He hates me, the father of my child hates me."

"What are you talking about?"

"Im pregnant." You whispered, "and Daryl kicked me out."

"Oh that man..." She started, her annoyed tone returning, this time with traces of anger, however you stopped her mid sentence.

"He has no idea, i never even got to tell him."

"Tell ya what, you just go sleep in my room, and tomorrow when his head is all clear, you can tell him. "

"Don't you need your bed? I can just sleep..."

"It's no trouble baby, now I'll see ya in the morning." She pushed you away and towards her room, as she made her way upstairs.

NOT Y/N POVHe opened his eyes and saw only light dancing on the other side of the bed, for you were never going to grace that bed again, instead now his best friend was going to wake up to the sight he loved to see every morning. His hand outstretched and rested on the now cold, flat sheets, as he tried to figure out what Rick had that he didn't, what you found so much more appealing then him in Rick. When he did finally sit up his eyes drifted out the window, where he saw Rick dragging Jesus through the street and threw him in the back of one of the cars. He just grumbled and rolled out of bed, shutting the curtains before heading downstairs so he didn't have to watch the man he now loathed from his room. When he went downstairs he found himself walking towards the kitchen, which no longer smelled like freshly made food, but like stale beer. He didn't bother with it though, the smell reminded him of his old house, he opened the fridge and pulled out an apple. After one bite, the apple found it' way to the trash.

He went from the kitchen to the bathroom, even though he wasn't thirsty or hungry, and he just wanted to curl back up into bed he couldn't deny that he had to take a piss, his eyes scanning the room as he did, and then he saw it. It was just sitting there, revealing it's ugly head, and he watched it, in shock. When he finally snapped out of it, he took it in his hands and looked at it some more, rage filling his eyes and head as the man who stole his woman, was now going to get her killed, just so he can have another Judith. It never crossed his mind that he was the one possibly getting you kill. And before he could he was already out the front door, "RICK!"

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