You are such a Baby when you are sick (Dean)

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Coughing, you woke up to coughing echoing throughout the whole bunker. You rolled over, looking at the clock by your bed, 6:45am. Only one person would be up at this time... Sammy must be getting sick or something.

You figured sleep was now not an option, since the sound of coughing kept waking you up every time you even got close to going back to sleep. So you did the next best thing, and headed towards the coffee, the sound of coughing getting louder the closer you got to the liquid gold you so desperately wanted. You stopped in the doorway though when you didn't see Sammy sitting at the table.

There he sat, pale, and shaking a bit,even though he was wearing some of his warmest clothes. He just sat there, a hand pinching the bridge of his nose and his eyes were closed, another cough escaped his chest and was quickly followed by a groan of discomfort. He didn't even notice you sit next to him until he felt your soft hand find his burning, sweaty forehead. When you touched him his eyes flew open and he looked at you, trying to play it off as he wasn't burning up and sicker then a dog. 

"Well good morning sunshine, if you want to touch more of me, we can take this somewhere else." He smiled, proud of his flirting behavior and the fact that it earned a small smile out of you.

"Well Winchester, I would take you up on that offer but I don't feel like getting sick. Now go back to bed, I'll be in in a few minutes to take your temperature." You instructed as you walked over to the stove, to start making him a cup of tea, and to rummage around to find the thermometer. 

"Did you just realized how hot I was?" He smiled before sneezing again, you had to admit his sneezes were kind of cute but you already knew that the crush you had on the eldest Winchester was pointless, for in this line of work, crushes never last and someone ends up dead.

"Yea I did, now go."

"Trust me [Y/N] I'm perfectly fine...."

"Dean Winchester, get your sick ass in that bed before I make you regret ever not listening!" The tone of your voice slightly scared him, for he had seen you get angry on hunts, and how you can react after using that voice, so he wasted no time at all escorting himself back to bed, while you laughed to yourself.

"Well Dean, you now have a free pass to stay in bed all day. Maybe if you start feeling better you can even have some pie." You placed the thermometer on to the nightstand.

"How hot am I?" He smirked at you, the cup of tea you made him was grasped tightly in his hands as he leaned against the pillow wonderland you brought him. 

"Very, exactly 101.4."

"So if I went to a bar right now all the girls would come flooding to me?"

"No sweetie if you went to a bar, you would get everyone sick, including the strippers." 

"So what do I do now, since I am assuming you won't let me leave the bunker."

"Actually you can't leave this room, and do whatever you want Winchester." 

Neither Winchester was sure what to do on days like these, where there was nothing to do, normally Sammy would just read an old Latin book and Dean would go drink, leaving you to do some serious baking, which always resulted in a pie or two. But a whole week was a lot for the eldest Winchester. He looked at you confused and you chuckled to yourself as you looked into those eyes, 

"How about this Winchester, you rest, that is probably the best medicine we have right now. I'll go send Sammy to get some cold medicine and cough drops. And we will just go from there." You smiled as Dean looked at you, still thinking he needed to be macho and act like he felt fine.

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