Meeting an Angel

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"Wait so you invited an angel to dinner?" You asked as your dad informed you about tonight's special guest.

"Yea, I figured you would like to meet him since the boys never got time to properly introduce ya. Besides I invited 'em too so it's just a normal family dinner."

"Yea with a freakin angel. Do you have any idea how awesome that is?"

"I don't, but at least he ain't a bag of dicks like the rest of the angels up there."

"So what are we having?"

"Well sweetheart, whatever you wanna make." Your dad smiled as he clapped your back and walked towards the ice box, probably looking for the last beer which rested peacefully in your stomach.

"Oh pops, we need more beer." You said, a smile planted on your face as his turned to a frown

"I guess I can go get some more, seeing how the boys will want some."

"Dean's going to want something stronger actually, helps repress the hell memories. And i need all the fixings for a chicken parm with spaghetti. Oh and a pie, I'll make a pie actually, and some cake, and whatever else ya'll will eat."

"If your baking it, i'm sure the boys will eat it." Your dad smiled before kissing your cheek and leaving ya standing there, excited to meet the angel.

"Honey I'm home!" Dean called as he threw the door open, the smell of apple pie filling his nose

"Oh my sweet boy, I have missed you so." You said in a southern bell accent as you walked from the kitchen and embraced him

"I've missed you too my dear."

"Now Pa went to the store, turns out we lack a certain liquid that we all need, but I have been baking all day." you smiled as his eyes lit up

"Did you make..."

"Of course, but if you touch it, you'll lose it." You pointed at his dick before you saw Sam behind him.

"Oh my stars, that can't be my little Sammy can it?" you asked, walking up to the giant moose and embracing him.

"Well I think I'm taller then ya, but yeah." For you were a year older then Sammy, however you were much shorter, barely hitting 5'2".

"Well my dear, I making chicken parm tonight with some pasta, however I believe I have salad somewhere if ya would like it?" the accent you faked so well slipping the words to his ears

"I'm ok, for your cooking is far supreme to any diner."

"Why thank you." You lightly hit his arm before hearing Dean shout out the door, "You coming feather ass or just going to stare?"

"I don't understand." A voice said, "Why collect old, broke down junk cars?"

"Simple, because it is fun." Your father's voice replied before he walked in carrying the bags.

"Why father you are home." you said, the accent still not stopping

"My dear sweet child is that a pie I smell?" Bobby asked

"Why yes it is." You smiled, noticing the man behind the door, looking in. His blue eyes filled with curiosity and wonder that didn't match his stone cold expression. He was dress in a backwards tie, trench coat and button down, with black pants and shoes to match. He had some scruff and some messy hair, other then that though and the height he looked like a small child in a candy store.

"So this is the..."

"Angel of the Lord, yes." The man answered as he entered the house.

"Ah well do you have a name, or shall I refer to you as the Angel of the Lord?" You asked

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