Hello Iris

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I knew that figure anywhere, for I heard my mother's excited voice as I took a sip of my drink, walking over to the railing I took one look and knew.... Iris was an idiot.

She knew not to come around, and chances are my mother had more then just killing the Countess in mind for the plan. Her hair was still so wavy and from here i could still see that pale skin glow against the black skater dress she wore. I could even see her dark red lips move as she entertained to my mother's rambling, she understood my annoyance when it came to Iris, hell she was the only one to see it manifest into the obsession it was today, and my mother knew if anything was going to get me out of these hotel it was her.

I watched as she smiled and nodded at my mother, I didn't even notice Sally join me looking at her, "I thought that pretty little slut knew better then to show her face here?"
"She does. However I told her that if Iris called her and told her something happened to me, to come right away."
"Oh so once again Mommy is fucking with your life."
"Big time." I growled before starting for the stairs, her eyes meeting mine as I took them two by two, the realization of the trick was clear in her eyes, and her voice was saturated in disguised disgust, "Oh so I see Donovan is in one piece. So..."
"Cut the shit Mother what did you tell her?" I barked as I took a step next to her and threw an arm around her.

"Oh nothing really...." Iris started but she cut her bullshit off real quick.

"She told me the Countess killed you while out on a date and that I needed to come right away to read your will with her. She also assured me that Elizabeth was dead however I am assuming..."

"She's in Paris." I growled as I pulled her closer.

"I didn't mean anything by the call." Iris started as I glared 

"You realize Liz could walk in at any moment, it is bad enough that Rowena and I are here, but if she sees a creation that is not her own, she will slit her throat and feast on her blood. I sent her away for a reason Bitch, and if she gets killed for this, I'll kill you myself." I growled before pulling her towards the doors, that she later convinced to never walk back through.

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