Imagine MeetingJesse Pinkman in High School

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You were the top of your chemistry class, your father always told you how even if you weren't a White hat you would be gifted when it came to chemistry. However it wasn't chemistry that captivated your attention in that class, but the young man who was at the bottom of the class grading list.
Jesse Pinkman was an exceptional art student, and he would find himself drawing in every class, he had talent and everyone saw it, however he only wanted one girl's attention. She sat next to him in every art class, and he caught her watching him draw instead of drawing herself, just like he would always find himself watching her in chemistry lab. And it was in one of these art classes when he looked up and was memorized by you. your hair was slightly covering your face, and your chin rested on the back of your hand as your [w/e/c] eyes watched his every move in awe, your mouth was slightly opened and were painted light pink. He knew right then and there that he was going to take action.
the next morning you and your father waked in together, as always. He ran towards the classroom as you went the other direction towards your locker. As your lock clicked open and you opened your locker you gasped. for taped to your locker door was a drawing done in a style you had seen a million times before, however the subject wasn't his normal choice. No this was a picture drawn of you, holding a beaker which was smoking, the smoke read, "Go out with me?" You smiled as you grabbed your book and closed the door, even more excited for chemistry and art now.
When you reached you chemistry class you looked across the room, your eyes met, a smile graced both of your faces as you took your seat. Your father gave you a smile as you took your seat. In lab as your father read out the partner list, you prayed for once you got the partner you wanted and then you heard it, "[y/n] White and... Jesse Pinkman." You smiled to your lap before getting up and plopping next to him. "I liked your drawing, however how did you get in my locker?" you whispered
"I'm a criminal, it is part of the job description." He smiled as you nudged him with your shoulder.
"Well I would love to go out, what do you got planned?"
"How about the Micky D?"
"7 o'clock."
"7 o'clock, I'll swing by the house."
"Ok." You smiled as you looked at the current lab, "Now lets make some magic."

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