The snow turns to blood. (Sam)

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"Well it looks like we are snows in for the day." Sam said as he glanced out the window.

"Sam that may be the best thing I have heard you say all day." I said as I sipped my cranberry lemonade, looking at the two boys sipping their coffee and reading either the paper or a hundred year old book on folk lore at the small motel table.

"I was going to suggest a day off today, after the week we just had. Guess the universe did it for me though."

"I mean the week wasn't that bad, who knew though that five neighboring towns could be filled with five different monsters."

"At least we are in one piece." Sam said, glancing at you and blushing as he did, it was true that one of you almost didn't make it, but thank God for your boys for saving you from the vampire who almost turned you into dinner at the bar.

"Well I'll just leave you too alone then, if you need me..."

"You will be working on baby, or you will walk next door to the local bar to drink and pick up random women." I interrupted, as Sam and Dean both chuckled at my remark.

About an hour after Dean left you and Sam had somehow found your way to the bed you two were sharing, just flipping through channels until you heard that unmistakable organ music playing. You shot from Sam's chest and sat straight up, watching in awe as your favorite movie began to play.

"Wait we are seriously watching a movie about a demon barber?" He slowly sat up next to you.

"Shhhhhhh." You whispered, waving one hand in front of his face as the other turned the volume up.

He leaned against the back board and slowly dragged me back to his chest as I watched, my eyes never leaving the screen.

About part way through the movie as Anthony watched Johanna sing behind a pane of glass Sam started asking questions, "So are they like in love now?"

"Yea kinda and it's a touching love story." I whispered as I watched Alan Rickman open the front door of his very large house, complete with peeping Tom hole that looks into Johanna's room through the wall.

"And also an untrue version of what love really looks like." He laughed a bit

"Well it is still adorable, even if it is a bit stalkerish and in modern times Anthony would totally be arrested probably, but then again most of the male characters along with Mrs. Lovett would be arrested and put in jail for life."

"Well I think..."

"Shhhhh this is the best part." I whispered as I patted his chest

He softly giggled as he watched me just look at the screen. He would sometimes ask questions, one of my favorite was, "Wait if Toby almost ate a finger how had no one else almost eaten a finger?"

"That the real mystery." I whispered back

"How is it that some of these men go missing and no one has noticed?"

"Well they were just not as popular as our group of associates."

"Wait we are popular?"

"Well kinda but I mean people would defiantly noticed if the Winchesters went MIA"

"So it is like a weird version of Romeo and Juliet?"

"I guess, I like to think of it as more of a twisted love story in which everyone dies except the children and the sailor."

As the credits rolled I looked up, "Did you like it?"

"I never took you as musical girl." He squeezed my shoulder as he smiled

"That is my favorite movie. I can't believe I never showed it to you sooner."

"Well when do we ever have time to just sit and watch stuff, or read modern literature or do things normal couples or people do."

"Well even if we aren't a normal couple or normal people I would never change the life we have now." I snuggled deeper into his arms as Dean walks in, a glass of whiskey still in his hands, as he yelled, "Ok guys knock it down to a PG-13 I don't wanna see your rated R selves!"

I chuckled as I close my eyes, I wouldn't trade my life with these two crazy goons if someone paid my a million dollars. I felt Sam lightly kiss my forehead before he laid back down, slowly bringing me with him.

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