My whole world

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All Sam heard was the crash of a mirror in the motel bathroom. He stayed on the bed as he heard his only brother punch it over and over and then throw something else against the wall. Tears running down his face as he heard Dean hit the wall, then the sound of a small sob.

"It's going to be easy right guys, I mean it is just one demon, and I am a freaking angel. We can handle it." You argued back as Dean told you he didn't want you to go. For Dean was a firm believer with go with your gut and his gut told him to tell you to stay back, he knew you won't have it.
"Come on [y/n] maybe Dean is right." Sam backed him up, for he trusted his brother's gut instinct and even he had a feeling that his best friend should stay behind.
"Sammy I can handle this. I promise." You said
"I said..."
Dean was cut short though by you kissing him, he pulled you closer wanting more but you pulled your head back and said with a smile, "Dean I will be fine."
If only you knew these words made his gut hurt worse

Sam walked over to your bag knowing exactly what he wanted. You may have been an angel but you always carried a bag with you when you went on hunts. It was like your overnight bag but as an angel you didn't need sleep, instead you would carry meaningful stuff with you. He pulled out the picture of you and him at the bunker. You had somehow found matching best friend shirts. Yours said 'He's my best friend' and his said 'she's my best friend'. You both had the shirt on under matching flannels and similar jeans. You were both smiling and he could still hear Dean calling you both nerds for it.

"Why do they always have to hid in abandoned houses, why can't they hid somewhere nicer?" You asked as the impala pulled up.
"You know I really wish you had stayed at the motel." Dean said squeezing your entwined hands
"Sweetie, I told you it is one demon."you kissed his cheek as Sam said, "so we splitting up?"
"Ya, we will when we get inside." Dean whispered
"Alright let's go gank this demon ass. " you leaned over Dean and opened the door, pushing him out.

"Dean." Sam knocked on the door and waited for his brother to cover up the sound of tears
"Go away Sammy." He said
"I think you will want this." He slid it under the door and then walked to the bed, to finish the whiskey he just opened.

Dean heard the picture slide across the floor, he glanced over and saw it laying face down on the floor. He reached over and picked it up out of the mess of broken glass, and he placed it on his legs as he looked. You were always so loving towards him, he never desired you but there you were with Cas one day and after that it was love at first sight. You were always around and befriend Sammy quickly but with Dean you were always loving. The picture was a date night you surprised him with. You made him burgers and fries, and even baked him an apple pie. However the picture was you with your hair thrown up in a ponytail, flour all over you, in a cute red sweater and jeans and a plaid apron on, kissing the dirty and bloody hunter. Tears were now hitting the picture as his fingers reached out towards you.

"Ok I'll take left, Sam right and Dean you go straight." You instructed
"How about I go left with me?" Dean suggested
"Don't be silly, we'll cover more space this way. Find the son of a bitch faster."
"I don't have a good feeling..."
"Well I'm going." And off you ran leaving Dean and Sam still together.
"I'll follow behind her, may sure she is..." That's when they heard you scream, and they took off running towards the group of 20 demons.

Dean walked out of the bathroom, picture in hand and plopped on the bed across from Sam, the one the two of you were meant to share. Even though you didn't need sleep, Dean still liked feeling you next to him when he fell asleep and when he woke up, and you never complained.
"Give me that." He motioned towards the opened whiskey bottle.
"Here." Sam handed it over and then took a sip of his own shot.
"You know Dean we don't have to go back to work right away, I think the two of us need a break right now."
He chuckled softly before sarcastically going, "you think."
"Dean I get what you are going through, she was my best friend, right now I might be the closest one who gets how the hell you feel."
"You don't get how I feel..." Dean started

When they ran into to room there saw a group of 20 demons who were standing looking at something, however when they heard the boys footsteps stop they all left the vessels and escaped through the vents. Each Vessel feel one by one until the room was filled with nothing but bodies laying down. One stood out though, for the form had a pair of wings burned on either side and an Angels blade sticking from the place a human heart rests.

"... She was my god damn world."

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