Imagine having to give Dean his present late

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He opened the door to the bunker as softly as possible, the light of the moon beaming in as he and his brother sneak in, blood splattered on their clothes from the latest hunt.
Upon closing the door they saw that the house was lit up by the soft glow of Christmas lights. For around the banister was lights and blue garland covered in sliver snowflakes. The tree, which was two days overdue, still sat in the middle of the space, the lights on, and the cheap, plastic, colorful bulbs hung all over it. Under the tree, however, was not presents of every shape size and color, but pine needles, which demanded sweeping. The smell of Gingerbread still could be sensed in the home.
"So do you really think she isn't mad that we missed Christmas?" Sam whispered as they both started down the stairs.
" When I called her on Christmas and explained that we weren't going to be here she seemed fine with it, and told us to be careful and not worry about her."
"Yeah, and we promised her we wouldn't work on Christmas, and. Then promised we be back by Christmas for the party she wanted to throw."
"Sam I am sure she is fine. Now you go get some sleep, or shower cause you smell like ass."
"Hey you were the one who decided that a hotel with no water was a good place to stay the past 4 days." Sam quietly smiled before heading into his own room, as Dean placed his hand on the handle of his shared bedroom, unsure exactly what he would find when he opened the door.

When he opened the bedroom he saw you laying in the memory foam, your figured illuminated by the soft glow of the Christmas lights hung in the room. As he got closer, he could see the features of your body, for most of it was hidden under the bulging comforter over the bed, it looked as though you were curled in a ball however. Your hair was laying on the pillow under your head, your mouth slightly opened, and your eyes fluttering in your sleep. The breathes you took barely were audible, the only sigh of them was the slight raising and falling of the bulge on one side. He smiled as he gently rubbed a callused hand over your head, and softly sneak to the bathroom to shower. A smile spread across your face as you listened to the bathroom door close.

When Dean reopened the door, his hair was dripping wet, and his body covered only by a pair of baggy sweatpants, which you bought him in the beginning of your relationship. He noticed that you had moved over to the other side of the bed, a smile slowly forming as he realized you were waiting for him.
He slowly climbed into the comforter and nestled his head onto your shoulder as you hummed, leaning your back into him, his arms engulfing your frame, as your hands wrapped his hands.
"Merry Christmas babe." He whispered in your ear, he could feel your whole body shivers against him when he did.
"Merry December 27th. How was the case?"
"Long, the stupid vampires were not where we expected, turns out instead of being in a creepy abandoned mansion, they were in a heavily populated night club. So we had to draw them out, which was slightly harder but we got it done."
"Well I am glad you are home, I have a present for you." You whispered.
"Is it you? Because I would love to unwrap that present." You giggled at his response as you rolled out of Dean's grasp, and reached towards the night stand drawer.

"Well seeing how you have seen that gift multiple times already, I figured I would try to get you something different." You beamed as you handed him a small box, which was wrapped in pale green wrapping paper and decorated with a shiny red bow.

"Is it a box of Cond..." He started however you just raised your hand towards him.

"I will not tell you what is in it, so I guess you have to open it to find out what it is." You replied as he slowly started to open the paper around it, careful not to ruin the paper as he did. His eyes meeting the top of your head, as he observed you watching his hands play with the wrapping. His eyes then fell back upon the closed box, and upon opening it he discovered a engraved, metallic flask.

"No way, where the hell did you find a Metallica flask?" He asked as he started to pick it up, feeling that it was slightly weighted.

"Ebay, plus I went to the story the other day after the party, since Bobby accidentally drank all your supply, and bought you a newer and bigger bottle of whiskey. I figured I would fill it too this afternoon. So it should still be..."

The rest of your sentence was lost however, when Dean crashed his chapped lips into yours, and slowly began making out with you, as he did he softly whispered, "Best present ever."

"You think that is good, you should se...." Your sentence was once again lost though at the sound of Sam throwing your door open and the sound of bells as a lump of golden fur leapt up onto your bed. 

"Oh no no no no no." Dean started as the lump of fur collapsed into your legs, as your hand began to pet the lump.

"Dean, she might be the best girlfriend you have ever had." He exclaimed as you giggled at the thing fallen next to your legs. Dean watched as you interacted with the furball and sighed lovingly, "Yeah, she really is." 

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