Thank You 4 eyes (Sam)

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As you looked at the menu you could feel his eyes drilling into you. "So you live with two males?" He asked adjusting the glasses on his face

"Well it is really three but one of them is a traveling business man." I answered as I found a salad that reminded me of Sam, the man I really wish I was on a date with, however I was too chicken to ask him out. So here you were with someone whose name you didn't even remember his name, so I will call him four eyes.

"So four eyes what do you do?" I asked looking up from the salad section.

"I am an accountant." He answered, sounds boring

"That sounds exciting." I answered faking a smile as the waitress came with my beer and his cup of tea.

"Ewes how can you drink that disgrace of an alcohol?" He asked as he sipped his tea

"It happens to be my favorite." I answered taking a swig

"Well no woman of mine will drink that piss. I demand that you order some red wine right now."

"Excuse me. Who died and left you the dictator of my life?"

"Well I refuse... Hey where are you going?"

"Home, lose my number Assbutt." I stormed outside, phone in hand an dialed the only number I wanted to talk to.

"So how is the date going?"

"Horrible. Come save me from this boring place before I die from boredom."

"I'm on my way." He hung up and within 15 minutes the impala pulled up. You climbed in the passenger's seat and laughed, "So does he know its..."

"No idea. So was it really that awful?"

"Sam the man was an accountant, and told me I wasn't allowed to drink beer." "How is he living then?"

"I'm not sure."

"I didn't like him anyway."

"Why because he challenged your intelligence?"


"Was it because he was going on a date with me?" You prayed the answer was yes.

"No, he just seemed like a real jerk." Jealousy slightly lacing his voice.

"Samuel Winchester, do I detect a hint of jealousy?" You lightly hit his arm as a look of panic spread across his face.

"What, no of course I'm not jealous." He seemed nervous now.

You looked from him to the window and calmly said, "You know Sammy we can still go out and do something."

"Yea ok." He said a little excited

"Calm down cowboy, why not we just go to the diner, get a beer and some food that isn't total rabbit food." I patted his leg as he shifted in the seat, "No." he answered.

"Ok well we can go back to the bunker then." You pulled your hand from his leg, maybe you were just imagining all the signs you saw, maybe he wasn't really jealous of Four Eyes.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. If I take you on a date I want it to be more then just going to the diner and drinking a beer. I want it to be like a real date." He placed his hand back on my leg, electricity shooting up my leg and into my spine. It stayed there until we got back to the bunker, which he removed as I opened the passenger door. After that he never brought the idea up again until a month later.

"[Y/n] What are you doing tonight?" He asked, looking up from the ancient book he was reading, and looking at you reading your own.

"Well just reading these old books and maybe drinking some beer, why?"

"Well I want to take you on that proper date I mentioned a month ago after your date with no beer guy."

"You mean four eyes?" You asked

"Whatever the asshat's name was. So you in?" He was smiling the grin that melted your heart every time, the one he knew you couldn't say no to.

"What time?" You sighed as you rose from the book

"Well I was thinking seven?"

"Ok, see ya then Moose." I smiled as I got up and went to my room. 4:30 pm is when you started and by 7 you had just finished showering, shaving, doing your hair, makeup, nails, applying lotion, perfume, hairspray, dressing in a flowing, black dress with some black chucks, I wore jewelry for tonight, a necklace Cas got me for Christmas last year. You looked in the mirror Dean installed on your closet door and looked yourself over, jumping a bit when you heard a knock on your door. "It's seven, are you ready?"

"Yea, give me a sec." You called as you reach for the handle, revealing a suited up Sam Winchester.

"Sam you suited up." You smiled as you reference one of your favorite shows and saw his blush as he looked at you

"You look stunning." He reached for my hand as we started towards the door.

"So where are we going tonight on our proper date?" You leaned a bit into his arm, curious of the plan the younger Winchester has made

"Surprise, however I think you will like it."

"Ok. Where to first?" You slyly asked

"Surprise." He lead you to the Impala and held your door opened for you as you slid into the familiar leather. He climbed into the driver seat and started towards the main drag. He pulled into an empty field 30 minutes later, the sun still in the sky as he put it in park.

"So you are taking me to a field to kill me?" You joked

"No, I figured you would like a nice dinner." He answered as he placed the keys in his pants pocket.

"Oh well what will we be having tonight Mr. Winchester?"

"Surprise, first lets go look at the view." He jumped out of the car, popping the trunk as he did and produced a large, red blanket to sit on. He spread it out on the ground and motioned for you to join him, you gladly did and talked for what felt like a few minutes, however when you looked at the sun it was now hugging the horizon line.

"What time is it?" I asked as Sam pulled out his burner.

"8:30. I'll get the basket." He hopped up and once again started towards the trunk, returning with a picnic basket.

"You made me a picnic?"

"Yea I packed all the fixings for sandwiches, champagne, glasses, chocolate, strawberries, and some other goodies." He smiled as I opened it and we started making the sandwiches as the sun sank lower and the stars came out, by the time ten rolled around, we had devoured most of the food, drank half a bottle of champagne and were laying on the blanket just staring at the stars, hands entwined .

"I wanted to tell you something." Sam started, causing you to turn you head and look into his hazel eyes. "Remember your date with four eyes?"


"Remember asking me if I was jealous because he was going on a date with you?"


"Well I was. See [Y/n] I have had feeling for you for a long time, to me you are amazingly perfect. I fell in love with your personality, the way you can go from looking like a bombshell to just a normal gal, the way you handle a gun with ease, your love for old books and sometimes bad beer. You light up my world and the fact that you were going on a date with that dick killed me because I never thought I would have the nerve to tell you about my feeling. After you asked if I wanted to go on that date I decided I needed to be brave and tell you in this way, under the stars, in hopes that you might feel mutual. However if you don't it is completely ok..."

He was cut off when I pushed closer to him, my lips meeting his. you pulled away seconds later and said, "Sam I would be honored to go on a million great dates with you."

In the end you had to thank Four Eyes for being a dick, because in the end it got you in the relationship you always wanted.

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