There is No Singing!

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"Nothing about this screams that it is a case." Sammy replied as you all stood at the trunk.

"Well nothing proves that this isn't a case, besides we need this." Dean replied

"Well I guess we could check it out but I still think...."

"That's your problem Sammy, you never stop." You smiled as you ruffled the chocolate locks before climbing in the back seat of the Impala. You heard the trunk slam and the familiar sound of the front seats deflating a bit as the weight of two full grown, freakishly tall, men climbed in along with the gentle purr of the engine mixed with classic rock. It was the sounds you had become accustom too, and the only sound you heard as you headed off towards Flint, Michigan. 

When you were changed into the tight dress pants and button down you turned to look at the mirror, you looked far too good to be a field agent but you didn't care. Your hair was now thrown into a ponytail and the shirt neatly tucked in, your fake badge was resting in your back pocket. You left the bathroom and were greeted by four eyes, two hazel, two green.

"So when are we going to the school?" You plopped down next to Sam as the green eyes stared holes through you.

"We were just waiting for you." Sam said, raising as he did and offering you a hand.

"Well I mean I would look better if I took an hour." You giggled, rejecting the hand.

"You always look perfect Babe." 

"Even when I am dirty and covered in demon blood?"

"Even then." Dean sneaked his hand onto your lower back as you proceeded to the car, this time you slipped into the middle of the front, your butt fitting perfectly into the small space between the two giants. You placed your hand on the leg of the driver and laid your head on his shoulder, you shut your eye and listened to Sam talk on the phone with the local PD, this is what you missed. When Dean was a demon he left you behind, left you and Sam to protect you from the monster this damn mark was making him become. When he died you were crushed, you begged for Castiel to save him but he never answered you. You thought you would never see your Dean again, until Sam told you he need the demon trap prepared for Dean. That was not an easy day, until the end. You were the one who was the first to hug Dean while he was still tied to the chair, to forgive him. He showered you in apologizes  but you didn't want them, you had your Dean back and that was all that mattered to you.

"So turns out Mrs. Chandler was the drama teacher and last seen in the auditorium." Sam interrupted your train of thought as you pulled into the school parking lot.

"Oh yea Drama kids." 

"I was a drama kid." You and Sam said at the same time.

"Sammy you were barely a drama kid. I mean you were casted in "Our Town", which was cool but then you did that shitty musical."

"You mean "Oklahoma"? You know Hugh Jackman did  "Oklahoma" right?"

"You did tech Sammy." Dean chuckled 

"Shut up." Sam said before Dean stopped

"Wait [Y/N], you did theater?" 

"Yea, I was in the drama club at school for 7 years, college theater group for all of undergrad and grad, and was also in a summer theater group for 12 years." You blushed a bit from embarrassment, you never had told Dean this before however Sam knew and then added, "Weren't you also a theater major with a minor in vocal?"

"Wait, you are a professional musical performer?" Dean looked at you puzzled

"Yea babe I am, and personally I don't think "Oklahoma" is lame. Now may we continue with the case?" You released Deans hand and proceeded towards the office.

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