Imagine Cas helping you study

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You sat with your legs crossed just looking at the ground, it was cold , hard and uncomfortable. In front of you was a book, which if you didn't read, or at least thoroughly skim then you were royally fucked.

"You look uncomfortable." The sweet voice of the angel reached your ears as your eyes moved up to see his blue eyes.

"Well Cas, I am. My ass hurts, my brain hurts and I feel like my eyes are melting out of their sockets. I would just love to be sitting in my bed right now, soundly sleeping but if I do that then I will never finish studying and my test is in...." You picked up your phone and looked at the time, "14 hours and 17 minutes. So I must retain some information."

"Whats the class about?"

"Well it is about the...."

"Can I help you study I can quiz you?" He took off the trench coat and tossed it over the couch, and took a seat across from you, and slid the book over towards himself.

"Ok so in 1929 what event lead to the economic downfall of most of the world, including America?"

"The stock Market crash, which lead to the Great Depression."

"Good... What happened to the working folk during that time?"

"Well most families struggled to afford food, and other necessities, along with luxury items. Most families were also having trouble finding long term workable jobs, and ended up working odd and end jobs temporarily."

"Close enough. What game was invited during the Great Depression? It was originally played on a table cloth and is still played today, however it is now played on a foldable cardboard game board."

"Cas I don't think..."

"Just answer the question the best you can." He smiled as you tilted your head, and smiled a bit.

"Was it Monopoly?" You answered after a momentary pause.

"Correct. Now..."

And that is how it went, Cas would ask you both serious and silly questions, about each section you needed to know. You continued this set up for hours until... "[Y/N] I think it is time for you to go to bed now, your test is in 10 and a half hours."

"Ok Cas, but I have a question for you."


"What was with all the silly questions like the monopoly question or the beehive hair style one?"

"To make you smile. When I got here you looked miserable, and I longed to see your smile. The silly questions worked at that goal did it not?"

You slowly got up and walked towards the angel, leaning over and kissing his cheek, causing a slight blush to spread.

"Yea Cas, it did." You whispered before walking off to your room, leaving the angel alone on the living room floor.

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