First time he said I love you

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"Cas can I ask you a question?"
"Yes [Y/N]?"
"Why is it that daisies are white?"
"Well why not make them blue or green?"
"I feel as though I can't answer this?"
"Well why make a bee yellow? Why not orange?" I rolled over and looked at him, part of his face hidden in the summer grass.
"And what has triggered these questions?"
"Well I was just wondering what if everything was a different color, and why the Angels were instructed to make everything a certain color."
"And this is why I love you." Your eyes widen, "you what?"
His blue rods widened as well before a slight blush came to his face, "nothing."
"Did you just say you love me?"
"I did. However if you want we can just..."
"Well because you ask the whimsical questions, you are free spirited, and caring and adorable and I love how innocent and pure you are in this corrupted world."
"Well I love you too, mostly for your childlike innocence, along with the fact that you can always make me laugh, and how much you care for..."
"Well if I love you and you love me then why don't we start dating?"
"Well I don't see why not?"
"Well then may I kiss you?"
"Of course angel." You leaned in and your lips collided, causing the most magical kiss to form between you both.
"Hey Cas?" You asked once the kiss was broken.
"Yes love?"
"What would the world be like if the sky was pink instead of blue?" Causing him to laugh before kissing you again.


"What are you doing?" Your boyfriend asked as he sat down at the library table with a large book of lores.
"Well I am reading, in this very comfy chair, in my boyfriend's boxers and my tank top."
"Ok miss specific."
"Well what are you doing?" You gestured towards the large book in front of him.
"Well I am making an excuse to watch the woman I love read a book, while wearing my boxers and no bra."
"Well I demand comfort."
"I see that." He laughed while turning his attention to the book in front of him, and then it hit me, "Did you say I was the woman you loved?"
"I did." He said into the book.
"You have never told me that before."
"Well I love you my little bookworm."
"I love you too Moose." You smiled as you went back to the book.

"I will kill you if you even think about it." Crowley hissed
"Crowley it is just a tie."
"It's designer!"
"It's stained!"
"I can fix it!"
"Darling you have hundreds of other ties."
"But I love it!"
"It's a piece of fabric!"
"But I love it!"
"Because it matches my favorite suit!"
"If that is the only reason you love it then I question your definition of Love."
"Well I love you because you have made me feel alive, I don't feel like an awful, cruel demon king around you, I feel like a person who can feel something, I feel like I can be myself, and not just this emotionless, she'll they call King. You accept my sarcasm and you will even dish it back at me. I love you for that, I love that you made me a better person."
"Fergus, I think I might cry. I love you too." You ran forward, tie still in hand, and hugged him, your head nestling into his shoulder as he hugged you back.
"So can I keep the tie?" He jokingly asked.
"It is either me or the tie darling you can't have both."
"Then I choose you, every time."

"What are you doing?" Dean asked as he walked into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You had both been dating for months now, gosh probably almost a year by now, but you both had never said I love you. You both just knew it, you just never needed to say it to him, he never needed to say it to you. It was part of the, 'let's not talk about our feelings' rouse that you both had.
"Well I figured I would pull on one of my boyfriend's flannels and come make him some coffee, maybe breakfast , then watch shark week. I already turned it on if you wanna go watch it, I'll bring it all out when it's done."
"How did I get so lucky?" He walked up and kissed my cheek, wrapping his arms around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder.
"Well I mean.... You somehow wooed me." You smiled
"I love you." He whispered, your movement just stopped as you absorbed this info, yea you knew he did, but he never said it aloud.
"I love you too." You replied.
After a moment of sweet silence, and the coffee finishing, you chuckled and said, "look at the big, bad hunters, vocalizing their feelings."
"Yea, now let's go watch some sharks." Dean said, taking his cup and heading towards the living room, you smiling as he left.

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