Are we going to put daddy on top of the tree.

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"This is impossible." You muttered as you looked at the plastic test that was screaming positive in your face.
"How did this even happen?" You asked the test, knowing that it wouldn't answer back and knowing you knew exactly how you conceived the baby of a trench coated angel.
You took the test and tossed it into the garbage as you ripped the door open, and flopped on your bed in tears. There was no way you would survive the birth, I mean the child was going to be half angel, and even if either of you did survive their was no way the dickbags upstairs would let you keep the baby.
As if he knew you were thinking of him, he appeared, as you cried into the pillow you heard the Familiar flutter of wings and the gentle touch of your boyfriend.
"What is wrong love?" He asked so gently as you pushed yourself up, but before you could even open your mouth Cas asked, "[Y/N] why do I detect two heart beats coming from you? "
"Ummmm I'm a time lord."
"No I sense a child is near. [Y/N] please tell me..."
"Surprise." You slowly said, nervously giggling as you did, his face went from serious to super serious.
"Are you telling me that you are now carrying the spawn of an angel inside of your womb, to be born."
"Um yes."
"Do you understand how dangerous this is!"
"Well um see I just found out."
"Does anyone else know?"
"No. I legit just found out."
"We have one maybe two weeks before you start showing. From my guess the baby is already two months."
"Cas, we only have ever had sex once, and it was just last month?"
"I need to tell you something and you have to understand, When Angels are physically born through earthly ways the development process will speed up, meaning that the human process of pregnancy doesn't matter. It is that way with most supernatural beings. So we have four month, five at the most to prepare for this baby. You can't go to regular doctors for this either which means I either have to take you to heaven to preform check ups or here. Also you must know the birthing process will be difficult, we can either do it here or in a hospital but the chance of you surviving is not large."
"How small is it?"
"Well what is I..."
"We both know you would never be able to do it."
"Cas, are we really ready to be parents?"
"God doesn't give us more then we can handle, so if he wants us to bear a child he knows we can handle it."
"Well then let's do this." You placed a hand on your stomach and just looked into the scared eyes of Cas.

"Mom." Your son called from the living room, he was about four now, and loved christmas.
"Yes Gabriel." You walked into the living room and placed down a fresh plate of cookies.
"Do you think Uncle Sam, Dean and Dad got a good tree?"
"Honey, they got the best tree they could find."
"Do you think it will touch the roof this year?"
"Maybe. I haven't received any word on the tree, so we will just find out."
"Do you think it will hold all the ornaments?"
"Maybe. If not then it's ok."
Just then the front door opened revealing a giant evergreen tree.
"The trees here."

"Boys, I have to tell you something but please don't be mad at me, or Cas."
"What did he do sis?" Your brother Sam asked, for since you found out you had been wearing baggy clothes trying to conceal the bump that was already emerging from your skin, however you and Cas knew that after the growth of just one week you wouldn't be able to his it much longer.
"Cas did nothing, just rode me like Dean rides bar maids."
"What!" Dean screamed, "Cas are you telling me..."
"That I had sex with your little sister, yes. That is not the problem at hand though, it seems that we forgot one minor detail while I was inside her."
"Please don't word it like that." Dean instructed, "what did you do?"
"I'm pregnant." You spit out.
"What!" Both brothers yelled at the same time, however it was Sam who asked, "how far along?"
"I don't know maybe a month, month and a half."
"That's not important." Cas piped up, "what is important is how fast she is progressing, at the rate she is going I would say the baby is due in December."
"Cas that's three months away, I don't know if you know this but babies take 9 just to come to term."
"[y/N] lift up your shirt." Cas instructed, causing you to reveal your stomach.
"What the fu..."
"Angel babies, along with most Supernatural babies progress faster then human babies. She will be giving birth to a full term little boy much sooner then expected."
"So pretty much we must condense nine months of preparation into three."
"And we have to angel proof the bunker, once he is born the dicks upstairs will try and take him away."
"Well let's get started then."

"Wow boys, she's a beauty." You smiled as you watched Gabriel's face light up at the sight.
"Yea, went to three different lots to find it." Dean said, "now who wants to help me get the lights from the spare room?"
"I do, I do." Gabriel went bolting from the room followed by Sam and Dean.
"How are my girls?" Cas asked as he went to help you from the couch.
"Oh please Castiel, I can still move. I'm not a whale yet."
"I know, I know." He smiled as he took a step forward placing a hand on your small bump.
"Also we don't know if it is a girl yet?"
"I have a hunch." He laughed before kissing your nose
" you have a hunch?"
"Hey I had a hunch with Gabriel and I was right so."

"you know I never thought that three months into pregnancy I would be filming my stomach moving in weird ways." You held the camera as still as possible as you recorded the weird movements occurring under your skin.
"Soon he will be out here moving like crazy."
"If he is developing rapidly then will he grow rapidly as well?"
"No he'll age normally, it is just this part that is tricky."
"Oh, ok. So next time we have kids..."
Your thoughts were interrupted though by warm liquid pouring out of you and onto the bed.
"Cas... I think my water broke." You tried saying as calm as possible before you were overcome with a great pressure and the wet spot on your bed was turning red.

"I think this is the best tree yet." Gabriel beamed as you all finished wrapping it with lights.
"Even better then last years?" Sam asked
"Yes, that one is long gone anyway. This one is new, and alive, making it instantly better."
"Well that's one way to think about it." Dean said, as he stole another cookie.
"Saw that." You said, not looking up from the box you were sorting through on the ground.
"I swear sis you have eyes..."
"In the back of my head. I know that's what parent hood does to you."

"Alright sweetie I just need you to push once more." Cas instructed from the end of the bed as Dean and Sam held your hand and a leg.
You pushed and pushed and then finally heard the screams of an infant.
"He's here. Sammy take your nephew as I try to heal [Y/N]." He handed the bloody, screaming bundle to Sam, who went to clean him up, as Cas tried to stop the blood gushing from you.
"Dean keep her eyes open, I need to work a little more."
"Hey Sis, look at me. Hey remember when you were five and I destroyed your barbies."
You smiled and then everything went black.

You opened your eyes, to see Cas sitting beside you, your hand in one hand and a blue bundle in the other.
"Hey Daddy." You whispered causing Cas's head to shoot up.
"Oh thank God you are awake." He leaned forward and placed a kiss on your hand.
"I'm not don't tormenting you yet FeatherAss." You chuckled as several people entered your room.
"I'm assuming you are the assholes from upstairs." You muttered, as you struggled to sit up straight.
"That is one name for us."
"I hate to tell ya but you are not taking my baby."
"We aren't going to take him,at least not yet. We have a deal for your child's father, a way for you both to keep your precious son."
"What do you want?" Cas growled
"Your grace. Give up being an angel to raise your son. If you don't want to though we will take the child and be on our ways."

"Mom, do you know where the topper is?"
"You mean the Angel?" Dean asked, "haven't seen it?"
"Weird me either." You, Sam and Cas answered.
"Does this mean we can put Dad on the top instead?" Gabriel smiled.
"Why would we do that?" You asked
"Simple, because Dad is an angel!"
"I hate to tell you son, but Daddy isn't an angel anymore, I haven't been for a while." Cas answered
"Why Dad?"
"Because I have it all up to raise you, and that is ten times better then being an angel."

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