Djinn (Castiel)

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When you opened your eyes you didn't expect to see the sleeping form of Castiel next to you, for angels didn't need sleep. Usually he would just lay there and cuddle you, then kiss your nose when you would start to wake up. But here he was, snoring softly as you woke up. Then you heard the crying, looking next to you, you noticed the white baby monitor which was amplifying the crying sound.
"I'll get her." Cas groaned as he rolled out of bed revealing the fact that he was only wearing striped boxers.
"No Cas go back to bed, you look like you need sleep." You said as he looked at you with his piercing blue eyes.
"Don't be ridiculous, you have been up with her every night this week, I'll get her." He walked out of the room, returning moments later carrying a small, mint green bundle. He sat on the bed next to you and held the little bundle, she looked like she was only 6-7 month old, her rosy cheeks and he chubby face were the only things sticking out of the blanket she was carried in in, her light blue eyes were wide open, her crying hushed to just small baby sounds.
"I guess little Leda just wanted to see her mommy." Cas smiled as you looked over his shoulder at her.
"She's adorable." You whispered as she looked at you, working her arm out of the blanket and around your finger.
"She looks just like her mommy too."
"Cas can I ask you a question?" You placed your chin on his shoulder
"Yes [Y\N]?" He replied, his eyes never leaving your daughter, who if you were right was named Leda Mae since you had always wanted that name for your daughter.
"I thought the Angels said when we got married that they would take our child away the day she was born."
"They did."
"So how is it we have her?"
"Don't you remember, I gave up my grace."
"You what?"
"yea, I decided to become human, start a family, get away from the life I was leading in heaven and stay here with you, and little miss Leda Grace."
"Leda Grace, cute name."
"Yea, I said I wanted Grace to be in her name to represent that fact that without me giving it up we wouldn't have her."
"I love it." You peaked his cheek as Leda Grace sewered a bit.
"So you hungry?" He asked
"Starved, you want me to make pancakes?"
"No, you feed her, I'll make French toast and pancakes for the boys."
"Oh ok. Are Sam and Dean coming over?"
"Yea they miss their niece, plus they just got done with a hunt so..."
"I get it, you just go, and I'll feed the little angel over here." You reached out and picked up the bundle as Cas rolled off the bed again and started towards the door before turning back around to you, "I forgot something."
"What?" You asked
"This." He returned to the bedside and leaned over placing his lips on yours.
"I love you." You whispered
"I love you too." He whispered back

*time travel*

"Ok I need you to push Mrs.[y/l/n]." The doctor said as the pressure built in you lower region. You squeezed Cas's hand as you pushed for what felt like the thousandth time
"One more big push." He said after you rested for three seconds, this push ended with the cries of a baby being torn away from the safety of your womb. You looked at the ready eyed Cas as the baby was quickly handed to you, for your little boy was here finally, and you couldn't be prouder to call him yours.
"What shall we name him?" Cas asked as they took him away to be cleaned and all that other baby junk they do.
"How about James Novak [y/l/n] since without him there would be no earthly you?" You whispered, just wanting your baby boy back
"I like that name." He whispered back, placing a small kiss on your forehead, "I'm so proud of you angel."
"You wanna call the proud uncles and tell them the news, also make sure Leda isn't driving them insane."
"Well honey, she can't help it, she is just an excited three year old who wants to meet her baby brother." Cas replied, pulling his phone out as he dialed the familiar numbers
"Hello Sam, it is Cas." Pause "yes, she did wonderful." Pause "no we don't know the weight and length yet. However he looks larger then Leda did when she was born." Pause "yea Sam I realized when Leda was born she was only 15 inches and 6 pounds 12 ounces." Pause "Well she wanted to make sure Leda had t driven you nuts in the last 30 minutes." Pause "I'll tell her, see you soon. Bye." He hung up and looked at you.
"Well are they going to quit being our sitters yet?" You smiled
"No, they said Leda says she loves you and baby and that she misses your hugs because Yours are better then uncle Sammy and Dean's."
"I miss her hugs too."
"Sam said when Dean got back from the supply run they will come down." Cas informed you as the nurse walked in with a blue bundle.
"Damn I hope they bring me pie again." You smiled as the nurse handed you the bundle. For it was love at first sight, instead of the red, crying bundle they handed you just moments ago you held a normal little baby, with chubby cheeks and little hands. His eyes were currently closed but you could only guess he had bright blue eyes like his daddy and sister. He was so peaceful and perfect, you were so zoned in on the bundle you didn't notice Cas work his way onto the bed with you to look at his little boy.
"He is perfect." Cas whispered as he placed an arm around your waist bringing you both closer to him.
"And to think, I never thought we would have a family."

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