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I didn't know if she was alive or dead, Hell I didn't know if anyone was alive except Beth. The only thing I knew was that she along with the rest of the group were smart enough to survive. As I sat at the campfire with Beth in silence I couldn't help but think about the last time I heard her laugh, a pure clear laugh.

I was seated on the stairs looking into the room, primarily at the girl who was sitting in the nearly empty space at a table, just reading away. "Dixon you keep starin like that and I might just have to come over there and kiss ya."
"I see no problem with that."
"Ahh but I do, at least right now I do."
" let me guess, the hunky hero has just gotten to the climax of the book where he must chose between one bleach blonde babe of a princess and a sexy servant girl?"
"Ummm is it at the part were the 18 year old girl is in the forest and is telling her 109 year old lover that she knows he is a blood sucking faggot?"
"Did you just summarize Twilight?" She let out a giggle as I could feel my cheeks start to turn a slight shade of red.
"Merle.... We once snuck into the drive ins and that's what was playing, we figured there was nothing better to do so why not."
That's when the sweet sound escaped her lips, for she laughed, she tried to cover her mouth as the sound cascaded out of her mouth but I still heard it and still smiled. For it was by far the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.
In her fit of laughter she managed to choke out, "So where you team Edward or Jacob?"

"I want a drink." Beth stated as I started digging into my charred snake piece.
"Here." I mumbled as i tossed her the green water bottle continuing to chew away at the meat in my hands.
"No I mean a real drink, alcohol. I never tried before because of Daddy, but he's not around anymore so..."
"Ya going help me get some, I'm sure you want some too. Don't think I don't remember how drunk you and..."
"Don't." I growled
"Fine, I'll go find some myself." And off she went leaving me with my snake. I could hear her in my head though.
"Dixon I can't believe you right now, you can't just let Beth go off like that, she ain't like Maggie. You are going to find that girl dead in the woods and then you will have to deal with Maggie. So if I were you..."
"I got it, I better go after her because Maggie isn't the worst of my worries because if she dies you will make my life a living hell." I looked up expect her to be there, sitting across from me, but it was just empty space, and with that I was gone.

"Rich people like to booze it up right?" Beth asked as we looked at the country club.
"Let's just get this over with." I grumbled as I started across the lawn towards the white three story house. I slowly pushed open the door and turned my head expecting to see her face, like I had countless times before sweeping a house, but to my discomfort, I only saw Beth. I pushed forward and we soon discovered that no one was alive, and then we found it, the bar.
"Well here ya go." I gestures towards the bar as I made my way towards the darts.
"The only thing they got is peach Smirnoff."
"What?" I asked
"Peach Smirnoff, it any good?"
"How do you know?"

"Wait you mean to tell me you are 28 years old and you ain't ever had a drop of alcohol?"
"Sorry to disappoint ya Dixon." We sat at the camp, on the hill by the RV, she was seated on a picnic table top, reading a book when I came over.
We were silent for a bit, I didn't even think she noticed I was there until she asked, "you wanna play 20 questions?"
"Ok you first." I agreed, just because it was better then listening to Merle groan on about nothing.
"Well first off, what's your favorite color?"
"This is silly, I mean..."
"Just answer the question, please?" She batted her eyelashes at me causing the answer to run right out of my mouth.
"See now was that so hard, your turn and no repeats."
"Fine what's your favorite book?"
"Looking For Alaska, John Green. Or the Harry Potter series."
This is how the game went, we both clearly going over the 20 limit, and that's when I asked her, "your favorite alcoholic drink?"
"Don't got one, never drank before."
"Wait you mean to tell me you are 28 years old and you ain't ever had a drop of alcohol?"
"Sorry to disappoint ya Dixon." She smiled at me I looked at her in disbelief.
"See I took ya as a wine girl."
"I mean I just never saw the point. Plus you really think Dale would let his daughter start drinkin as a teen, after seeing what it did to my friends, it just lost appeal." She looked down at her knees, her skin barely showing through her ripped jeans as she pulled her cardigan closer around her.
"Come on then." I jumped up and started towards my motorcycle.
"Where we going Dixon?"
"To find you a fucking drink!"

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