Sirens and the Angel

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"Cas what the hell are you doing!" You yelled as he once again attempted to break free from the chair and attack Sam and Dean. You had managed to somehow tie him to a chair and currently were trying to get answers.
"Don't you remember, you told me to kill them, so we could be together forever." The blue eyed angel said to you, however you saw one flaw with his answer.... You weren't dating. Yes you had a crush on the baby in a trench coat but you weren't going to act on them because you were pretty sure that intimate Angel and Human relationships were frowned upon.
"Why would she tell you to kill her two best friends?" Sam asked, looking from you to Cas, who growled a response.
"Because you two are what is holding me and her back, with you after the way she won't feel like she has to stay in the life and I won't need to protect your asses all the time, we could run away together and start a whole new life."
"Cas I think I might know what is happening. Just sit tight, I have to go talk to the boys." You said as you lightly gripped the boys arms and lead them closer to the door as Cas screamed, "tell them what you told me!"

"[Y/N] I thought you were at the hotel room?" He asked as you walked up to him. You were changed out of your earlier attire, and now wearing a deep v-neck and short shorts. Your hair was curled a bit and you were wearing bright red lipstick. The boys were seated across the bar, so they couldn't see you or Cas. You leaned closer and said lustfully, "well I was but I figured I would come have a quick drink with you, without the boys watching our every move."
"I don't think they watch us." He answered
"Yes they do Cas, for they are jealous of what we have. I know we aren't dating, but that is only because of them, of this life they are keeping me in. Don't you see Cas, without them we could be happy."
"You aren't making any..." He was cut short though when your red lips collided with his, you wasted no time making out with the confused angel and when you pulled away you whispered, "and that is why you have to kill them."
"Ok I will." He started to rise and then you pushed him back down, "no not here. Do it at the room, less witnesses."
"Ok." He whispered back
"I have to go back to the room and pack. I love you."

"So you thinking what I'm thinking?" Dean asked in a hushed tone.
"It has to be a siren, it is the only thing that really makes sense." Sam whispered back.
"But I thought they turned into the victim's perfect mate?" You asked
"Well maybe Cas really likes you, maybe he shares the same feelings you do." Dean said
"Well how do we gank the bitch?"
"Simple, we have to get Cas's blood on a blade and drive it into her heart." Sam whispered, "and seeing how he wants both mine and Dean's head on a stick, only you can get it [Y/N]."
"Well this is going to be easy." You sarcastically said as you turned back towards the Angel.
"Hey Cas." You said as you stepped closer towards him, he smiled at the mere mention of his name.
"What is it?"
"I need some of your blood. Do you think..."
"Of course." He then zapped a container of red liquid into your hands, "will it help with ending the Winchesters?"
"Um yea Cas."
"Then I am happy to help." He smiled as you backed away, your eyes never leaving his.
"Ok here is your blood boys. Now how do we find the bitch?"
"Well I guess we..." Then the door handle began to jiggle
"You don't think..." You started but you statement was quickly answered when a exact copy of you walked into the door.
"What the..." You started
" oh well this will be interesting, I can watch feathers kill three people instead of two, I knew I should have brought the popcorn." Your copy replied slyly.
"My love, what's wrong?" Cas asked, for you figured he couldn't see the siren.
"Oh baby." The siren started, "I came for you but I see that they are still alive and you are also harboring a shifter."
"What do you mean?"
The siren pushed past you three and ran to the chair, throwing its arms around Cas's neck and fake cried, "don't you see, she is a copy."
"This makes no sense?" He looked from the two of you confused.
"Cas she is a siren!" You screamed pointing towards the copy around his neck.
"Prove it." Cas hissed
"Fine ask something that only the real [Y/N] would know. Whoever gets it wrong will die." You replied.
"Fine." He thought for a second and then looked up towards you, "what do I always whisper to [y/n] after the hard hunts?"
"You tell me you love me." The siren answered, "and how you think I am the most beautiful girl in the world."
"Do you have an answer." He looked at you, for he knew that you would know. You looked quickly at the boys and signaled to them to prepare the dagger, and hand it to you. You extended your hand behind you and when you felt the blade handle slip into your palm you started to talk,
"You know I can sense how you feel, I know you feel like you aren't worth it, that you don't do enough sometime but it's ok. For you and Dean are the same sometimes, you feel like saving everyone is your job and every causality is a failure, but that's life." You jammed the dagger into the sirens back and she started to make the sound of dying in Cas's lap, "sometimes you live and sometimes you die, and that's ok."

As the boys disposed of the corpse you released Cas from his chair prison. As he rubbed his wrist you looked up at him, "So you think I am perfect?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well I mean sirens disguise themselves..."
"No I mean why do you seem so shocked by it?"
"Because I am far from perfect."
"You are right, no one is perfect. However to me you are perfect for me and I love you. I understand that the others may view it as forbidden but I don't care, and I am tired of hiding my feelings for you."
"I like you too Cas."
"Well then would you like to join me to dinner tomorrow?" He asked
"Of course Cas." You cut his feet free and then just smiled, since you just got your wish.

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