Mr. Snuggles

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"Uncle Sam, can I have a bite?" Your son asked as she pointed towards the sugar cookie in his hand.
"Bobby, did you ask your mom?"
"Well no, she is with Daddy, in their bedroom. I'm sure they need a nap."
Even though he was three he understood that sometimes you and Dean needed a nap, even if it was just 5 minutes, he knew that after you two would play with him all night long.
"Uncle Sam Please?" He made his green eyes as wide as he could, causing the giant's heart to melt into a puddle of goo.
"Here, just don't tell your mom." Sam whispered handing a whole sugar cookie to the already hyper child.
"When I'm done do you think we can put up lights?" He asked before shoving the whole cookie in his mouth.
"We can do whatever you want Bobby." The answer caused the little boy to smile ear to ear.

Neither Sam nor Bobby knew what was happening just behind your door, most "nap times" you and Dean would not nap. It usually turned into making out or doing the do as quietly as possible. You would usually hear Bobby's little feet padding up to the door and his little hands turning the locked knob, but when he realized it was locked he would normally run away. Nap time was now your code word for sex, but today it took a whole new meaning.
"You are sure?" Dean asked a lot louder then he needed to.
"Dean, I told you I took all the rest, I even went to the doctor, it's true."
"We swore that Booby was going to be it."
"Well accidents happen Dean. Now the question is what the fuck are we going to do."
"I'm not sure." Dean whispered as he sat next to you causing the bed to make a slight thud sound.
"Well I could always abo..."
"No, you would never forgive yourself if you did, and I would never forgive myself for letting you. We are great parents, we can do it again. Can't we?"
"Dean we asked ourselves the same question almost four years ago, I think Bobby turned out fine."
"Yea but it won't be just Bobby anymore, it will be Bobby who is a toddler and newborn. Can we handle that?" You could sense the panic in his voice as you took his hand, "Sam will help, so would Cas. Bobby loves them both, I'm sure just in the time we've been in here he has already tricked Sam into giving him three cookies."
"Aren't you a little worried? I mean what if..."
"Dean we are going to do fine, we always do."

After that you both decided nap time was over and it was time to face the outside world, you both now unsure about just where you were going in the future. As you walked into the living room you saw Sam and Bobby messing with a tangle of Christmas lights.
"Well what are you two hooligans doing?" You asked as Dean wrapped his arms around your waist, his hands perfectly placed on your belly button as he placed his head on your shoulder.
"Well mommy me and Uncle Sam are going to make the room pretty, just for you."
"Bobby that is very sweet. Later do you want to help me make more cookies?"
"Ohhhh." He smiled and shook his head up and down, causing you to smile as well.
"Hey Bobby, can we tell you something really quick." Dean said as he unlatched himself from you and scooped the little boy up.
"What Daddy? Did you steal another cookie?"
"No Bobby, not yet." He chuckled, "Did you know that me and your Uncle Sammy are brothers?"
"Well what would you say if I told you you were going to have a little brother just like I did?"
"Will he steal my cars?" A look of concern crossed his face.
"No Bobby he wouldn't do that, you would have to share 'em though."
"Will you love me any less if I did?" He asked before burying his head into Dean's shoulder.
"No buddy, none of us will love you angles, even if you have a little sister."
"I don't wanna sister." He cried, "I want a brother."
"I would love for you to have a brother too buddy, but there is a chance you won't."
"Then we can return her."
"Bobby, it doesn't work that way. But do you wanna say high to your brother or sister?"
"Yea, where is he?" Bobby unburied himself and smiled as Dean put him back down, and pointed towards your stomach.
"Well he is in mommy' tummy, he's going to be in there a while but you can still talk to him and stuff."
With that the little boy looked at you with a tilted head and asked, "Mommy, why did you eat Mr. Snuggles?"
"Whose Mr. Snuggles?" You asked as he walked up to you and wrapped your legs into a hug.
"My brother, why is he in there?" He poked your stomach, as you answered, "Because he needs a place to stay for a bit, but he'll come out soon. He's just being shy right now."
"Ok." And with that he ran back to the lights, and Dean wrapped you in a hug.
"That wasn't so hard." Dean whispered.
"If we have a girl, he is going to be crushed." You replied as you looked into Dean's green eyes.
"He'll be crush either way, cause we are not naming our son snuggles."
"His name was Mr. Snuggles. And I was thinking if we have a girl we can name her Lisa?"
"How about we just skip the names and call the kid Badass Batman?"
"I like it, Bobby though..."
"Will call it Mr. or Miss Snuggles." He leaned in and kissed you.
"I think we got this Winchester." You whispered as you walked towards the mess of lights to help untangle them all.

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