Daryl think you are cheating

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You found yourself just gazing at Judith as she played with her cereal, would your own child get to have that experience? Would your child even make it through the day once it was born, if it was even born? Would your son or daughter even know what a great man their father was?

You were pulled from your thoughts when the voice of the very man haunting your thoughts screamed, "Rick!", your eyes drawn to the window as you watched him march across the dirt road considered main street. You knew by the look it wasn't going to end well.

"Carl can you come keep an eye on Judith please?" You called as you heard him coming down the steps, no doubt in his plaid pajama pants and nothing else.

"Well since that is all I can offer, I guess." He smiled as you walked past him and onto the porch, just in time to see a waving Rick get punched in the face. After the punch he turned, his hands going to his head as Rick recovered from the shock of getting punched.

"What was that for?" He finally yelled when the shock faded.

"I had nothing!" Daryl screamed, "She was it, she was all I got, and you took her away!"

"Daryl what are you talking about?" Rick asked, holding up to hands of protection in case he swung again.

"{Y/N}! I know you been sneaking around! She was all I had and you had to take her away, Just like everything else!"

"Daryl let me explain...."

"Yea, Rick, please explain to me how you FUCKED MY GIRL AND THEN GOT HER PREGNANT!" He threw the test on the ground, and you just watched, Rick looked at it in shock and then calmly said, "So this is your evidence that I am sleeping with her?"

Before he could answer though you found yourself storming towards them. "HEY!" The attention of Daryl snapped to you, his eyes softened but only a bit, for you still weren't sure what he would do to ya in this state.

"Since you have now told everyone in ear shot I'm knocked up, did it ever cross your mind that you are the one who fucking knocked me up?"

That's when you saw it hit him.... he hadn't even thought of that, "And that Rick was the one who was going to get me the test on the next run, and that I was hugging him because he was hiding it from you, his FUCKING BEST FRIEND!"

"Still doesn't explain..."

"I told him to get it last week, and if you still think we are fucking then why don't you ask Michonne where I slept last night?"

He exhaled, as the rage melted away, "So you tellin me...."

"That you are going to be a father, I love you unconditionally, and that Rick fucked Michonne last night?"

He didn't answer, just looked at Rick, "She is tellin the truth, that's why I am dealing with this Asshole, he broke in when we were naked in bed."

"That true Michonne?" He called as she looked at him and nodded her head.

"'bout time." He said under his breath before looking at you.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to..."

"I get it Daryl, I really do. But I think we have bigger things to discuss right now."

"Like what?"

"How I can't drink anything for God knows how long." He smiled a bit, and tried to push it in the back of his head that now you were a dead girl walking.

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