Mother (Dean)

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You stood in the doorway and watched on with Dean as Cas looked at Sam's soul, your eyes looking between the sleeping, peaceful Sam, the slightly pissed Cas and then your eyes wandered back to the worried look of Dean, which only really came out when someone he cared about got hurt. He gave you that very look whenever you were hurt or crying over a past relationship that ended shitty. You looked again to see one of your best friends storming out, rolling his sleeve down as Dean asked the question we were all wondering, "Will he wake up?"  

"I'm not a human doctor Dean, I don't know." Cas snapped as you looked at him

"A simple yes or no would do, just tell me what you think?" 

"Probably not." He snapped again

"Way too sugar coat it Cas." I said as he looked from Dean to me

"Well I told him specifically to not put that soul back in him, if he wanted to kill him he should have just done it himself." 

"Cas, no one wants Sam dead, Dean was just trying to save..."

"You know how his soul felt when I touched his soul, like he had been SKINNED ALIVE." With that Cas disappeared leaving you and Dean alone in the basement just looking at each other. I pulled a chair over towards Sam's sleeping body while Dean stormed upstairs, probably going to drink some of Bobby's special medicine. As you sat there Cas reappeared and placed a hand on your shoulder

"Sorry for snapping earlier angel." He said monotoned

"I get it Cas. I just wish he would wake up, so it could go back to the way it was before last year."

"It will never be the same." 

"At least Sam would have a soul, so it would seem normal, however I will defiantly miss the funny moments with Soulless Sam."

"Are things still..."

"Cas, he told me he loved me, asked you to protect me while he and Sam went to do whatever they did, and then left for a year without a word. He went to have a normal life while I stayed here, with you and Bobby and tried to pick up the pieces. So yes Cas, things are still awkward."

"Well I should go, I think he might be waking up."

As he vanished you looked down to see Sam slowly opening his eyes, you gasped loudly and wrapped your arms around him. He was surprised but quickly adjusted and wrapped you into a hug

"[Y/N] is it really you?" He whispered

"Yea Sammy boy. I'm real." You could feel the tears building up in your eyes as he tightened his grip

"I thought you...."

"The boys are upstairs, I'm sure they would love to see you." You pulled away, as he sat up on the cot. You followed him up the stairs and as he walked into the room you leaned against the wall and listened to the reunion.

You then walked out the door and to the garage, to grab a beer, before sitting on the hood of the baby until Dean and Bobby came out.

"Sam went back to sleep, what do you figure we should do."

"Not scratch the wall, we don't tell him a thing." 

"And when he finds out?" Bobby asked

"We tell him we did it to protect him, that the things he doesn't remember will kill him if he did." Dean answered, looking at you as you sipped the beer in your hands.

"Ok, but..." Bobby started

"So are we going on this job or not?" you snapped

"Yea we are. Get your stuff we leave in an hour." Dean hissed as he started to storm off, "And don't leave your beer on her hood."

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