Imagine being Steve Harrington's best friend....

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AN: I fell into the fandom, and boy did I fall fucking hard...

-You & Steve met in school obviously, when you and your dad moved to Hawkins. You were paired up the first day as lab partners back, which excited him, cause you were pretty. However no one knew yet how sassy you could be, a trait you picked up from your dad.
-When you sat next to him he smiled wide as his hand netted out towards you, "Names Steve."
-While talking he noticed the small S that was a hanging from your neck, and asked, "So, you got a boyfriend?"
"Ew. No."
"So what's with the S, cause it doesn't look like something you would be wearing unless it was from a guy."
"Actually for your information, it was my little sister's." The bite in your whisper was undeniable, but he didn't respond correctly
"So you stole your sister's necklace?"
"Actually asshole, I wear it in her honor, since she is dead." You replied, before storming out, the teacher yelling behind you, "Hopper, Hopper come back here!"
-The next day Steve came in to see you sitting next to his chair again, head down, he slowly approached and sunk next to you. He pulled out the chocolate bar he bought you, and slid it over, "Sorry about yesterday."
You lifted your head slowly and whispered, "It's fine."
-After that you two became fast friends. He showed you all over, and even met your father.
Tommy and Carol are not fans of you, only because they are convinced you told your dad about the party they had freshman year
-You totally did
- You guys were always sneaking to one another's house to hang out, which Hopper clearly would bring up.
"God what's next I am going to walk into you and him making out?"
"Ew no. He just was bored."
-His parents didn't care
-You guys never shared the bed though, normally he would insist on taking the floor.
- You were always offering to help him study, however he was far more concerned with figuring out the secret of girls
-You would have your own little holidays together.
-You babysat most of the squad, your favorite though was definitely Will, he was always so sweet, and loved talking about science fiction with you.
-You And Johnathon were always polite, but you knew he would never be friends with you, due to Steve.
-You helped Steve prefect the hair routine.
"This is a girl's product." He whined
"And it does wonders, now use it when your hair is damp, if it is too wet it won't do shit."
-Steve always picked on you for being in band, even though secretly he thought it was cute. You always skipped the concerts to hang out with Steve.

Fast forward to 1983
- you were standing next to him in the hall, while his other friends glared. You were definitely not one of the popular girls, and you were probably one of the only girls who wasn't head over heels for Steve.
-"Wanna study later?" You whispered, "Pops is working another late one, so his beer is fair game."
"Can't. I got a date with Nancy Wheeler."
"By date you mean you are going to assault her face with your horrible kissing skills."
-Steve was at your place all the time, he even spent the night sometimes with out Hop knowing
-When you first found out Will was missing, you asked your dad if he was going to find him.
-Steve was annoyed for a bit  because you would ask him to drive you to the Byer's house to help make signs.
-Your Dad was pissed when he found out you were in the search parties, when you tried to defend your decision he snapped, "God Damn it [Y/N]! You are all I have left!"
-You didn't go anymore
-You went to the party at Steve's, of course he was all over Nancy, so after the shotgunning you looked at the oak haired jock and patted him on the shoulder, whispering, "Have fun."
-Steve wished you would have stayed.

"-Steve wished you would have stayed

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