Imagine finding out about Fiona and Kari-Ann

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The call lasted only seconds, when Your brother's name popped up on you phone the last thing you expected to hear was, "You need to get to Saint Thomas, now."
"Why did something happen?"
"Yea we gotta make sure you are alright, just... Hurry." He hung up and left you to grab your purse and keys before jogging towards your car, however if you had known what happened you probably would have raced to it.

Tig was waiting for you in the parking lot, his cigarette lit and to his mouth as he watched you pull in to the first available spot. When you finally walked over to him he handed you his cigarette, something not uncommon for him to do, "Alright Brother why did I have to come here so quickly?"
"There was a explosion at TM, car bomb."
"Christ, is everyone ok?"
"Please don't fly off the handle." He pleaded, he didn't need to say a name, that answer told you.
You dropped the cigarette and went racing in, finding the front desk, "I'm looking for a Filip Telford." You gasped out causing the nurse to look at you.
"Sorry miss only family is allowed..."
"I'm his FUCKING OLD LADY!" Tig was now at your side, his hand rubbing your back as you tried very hard not to cry in front of this woman.
"I still can't allow you in, he already has a visitor."
"I should be allowed in there, I might as well be his wife."
"Yes, but someone already claiming to be his wife is in there."

You felt light headed, You looked at Tig, who already knew someone was in there.
"I need to go." You said before starting toward the floor he was probably on. When you got there you saw Gemma sitting with her nose in a book, the rest of the guys were sitting around too, probably talking about how to retaliate, but they weren't your concern.
"Gemma I need ya to be straight with me." You said as you took the seat next to her
"What is it baby?"
"Is there another woman in there?"
She took a breath and whispered, "Shit did your big mouth brother..."
"The nurses at the front desk said a woman claiming to be his wife was in there and because of it I am not allowed in."
"Well you can go in there, I think you should hear it from her." Gemma turned her attention back to the book, signifying that she was done talking about the subject.

My hand lingered on the handle, I breathed in, then out and turned it, and was greeted by the sight of my old man in bed, and a woman sitting in a chair in the corner just watching.
"Who are you?" She asked as her eyes moved from his resting figure to me. She was beautiful, her skin looked flawless and reminded me of the color
of the brown color pencil when you lightly press it against the paper, her hair was curly and looked very nicely down, and her clothes seemed to scream that she had some form of money somewhere. Her Irish accent was also as beautiful, she was soft when she spoke but something about her eyes told you that at any moment she would eat you.
"Well I'm Filip's old lady, and you would be."
"I'm Filip's wife and the mother of his child. Let me guess though he never mentioned us to you."
"No he didn't."
"Well then love we need to talk." She motioned towards the other chair next to her and something about her drew me in.

His head moved a bit as he started to wake up, your hand was wrapped around his and at the soft groan you lifted your head and looked at him. His eyes slowly opened and at the feel of your hand in his, he tightened his grip.
"Hey." You whispered as his eyes opened to finally meet yours.
"Hey." His voice was weak as he looked at you.
"So I see that I stay home from work one day and you somehow managed to get hurt." A slight laugh left his smile, causing you to smile as well.
"All the guys outside?"
"Yea, Fiona was here too." With that his smiled dropped and his face became so serious, "Don't worry she was alone."
"What was she doing..."
"She heard about it, I guess the Irish were behind it and Jimmy somehow found out that you were the one who got hurt."
"What else did she tell ya?" But he already knew the answer.
"She told me everything."
"I can explain..." His heart rate on the machine was rising and he began acting as though you were leaving him or something.
"She already explained everything and it's ok, makes sense though why we have never gotten farther then a ring though."
"So you ain't mad?"
"No, just at those fuckin' Irish for blowing you up, and trying to blow the rest of ya up."
He smiled again as he whispered, "Thata girl."

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