Why A Clown?

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You were with a group of moms, chatting about the new pre-school teacher, as your son ran around with his friends fighting with fake swards and your husband stood around with the host as he grilled, sipping a cold beer. You would have one yourself but you already knew the mom's here frowned upon a lady drinking anything but red wine. And then you saw it, just a glance, but you knew what it was the moment you saw the rainbow wig. 

"Ummm Karen, did you hire a clown for Tommy's party?"

"Of course, see unlike you I know how to throw my son a birthday party."

Bitch, you wanted to scream.

"Well it turns out that my husband is scared of clowns."

"Wait, aren't you married to Sam, the tallest , most buff man on the street?" Laurie laughed

"Oh have you ever seen him when he mows the lawn shirtless, makes me wish I was single and kid less again." Kim said, as though you weren't there.

"Um yes, I see it every night and morning and even sometimes when I shower. "

"OMG [Y/N] how could you say that, this is a children's party." Karen hissed

"Well I'm going to see Sam now." You said harshly, as you walked away you heard Kim say, "She is such a bitch."

As you walked towards Sam though you saw the signs, he straightened up and stiffened, like he was a statue. His eyes widened, and the sweat slowly formed, if you were closer you probably would have heard his heart quicken, and felt his clammy hand grasp yours like there was no tomorrow. You quicken your pace a bit until you were closer, "Larry those look like fantastic  burgers."

"Well thanks, the secret is in the spices."

"Yea, ummm honey, you wanna show me where the brew is?"

"Oh I'm sure you don't want one of those, how about a nice glass of Merlot?" Larry smiled

"No I'll have Sam, " You hit his arm breaking his focus from the clown talking to the group of mom's now for just a second, "Show me to the beer."

"Uhhh s-s-sure honey." Sammy stuttered as you took his hand and pulled him into the house, where he could no longer see the demon in too much makeup.

"It had to be a clown, it just had to be a clown." He exhaled as he looked into your eyes.

"Yea, I know. I had no idea this was happening, I promise he will just perform, and leave. I know John will want to see him, I mean he has never seen a clown before, but if you wanna go, you can."

He deeply exhaled again, "I think it's time to face my fear."

"Just remember I am not leaving your side, and you can squeeze my hand as hard as you want." You smiled at him, which got a smile out of him.

"You mean like as hard as you did when you had John?"

"Yea, you can squeeze it that hard." You exited the house, your hand entwined with his, and then you heard it.

"Mommy, Mommy." Your son collided into your legs, close to tears, you let go off Sam's hand and scooped up the little boy whose brown eyes where watering.

"What's wrong baby?" you asked, stroking his brown locks.

"He's scaring me." He buried his head into your shoulder, when you looked the clown was performing to the other smiling children.

"You mean the clown John?" Sam asked taking your place stroking his hair as you rubbed circles on his back.

"Yea. I wanna go home." He whimpered

"Me too buddy me too." Sam said before you decided to carry  the little boy to your house next door.

"Guess he inherited more then his looks from you Winchester." You whispered as you reached his hand to lead him away, "Also I thought it was time to face your fear?"

"Maybe next year." 


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