Stay out of my room

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Stay out of my room.... Samuel had asked you to stay out of the room... The room in which you both shared.... the room in which you had your stuff and where you slept. It was more then his room, it was also your room. And the finger point didn't help your curiosity.

"[y/n] did ya hear me?" He asked snapping you back into reality.

"Yea, stay out of your room." You answered as you looked at him, plotting.

"Ok, I'll be done soon. I love you." He smiled before leaning down and kissing your cheek, a place you didn't think the kiss would go.

"I love you too." Acting like you didn't just think he was going to kiss your lips.

When he was out of the room, and you heard the door close echo through the hall you looked at Dean. "He was acting strange."

"Totally." Dean replied, taking a sip of his far too early opened beer.

"I'm going to go get my computer." You casually said, when Dean registered your words though you were already out of the room.

"Why don't you just use my computer?" He stuttered as he jumped up after you.

"Dean we both know that you use my computer for everything or Sam's." You hissed behind your shoulder.

"Yea well what about watching some television?"

"I would prefer to watch Netflix on my laptop, you may join me."

"But Sam said..."

"Exactly." You whispered as your hand found its way to the knob.

"Hey Sam, I know you said not to come in but I forgot my lap..." You opened the door and your breathe hitched when you saw the scene before you, Dean peeking in and covering his eyes in distress as he did.

For Sam looked at you like a deer in headlights, shock written on his face as he saw your eyes locked on his hand, a small black velvet box sat there. It was too small to hold anything else other then a ring. 

He finally snapped back and looked at the content of the box, it was nothing much, just a sapphire ring. But to him, it was perfect for you.

He had loved you for years, and he had it all planned out. He wanted to dress up, and lead you to the room, which he planned to fill with candles and roses. He was going to play soft music as he sat you on the bed and told you that he was so lucky to have you, and that he wanted you forever. And then he wanted to make love to you on the rose petal covered bed. But here you were... Ahead of schedule.

"[y/n]... I said..." He panicked

"I know.... I just.... Needed my laptop." She stuttered out as she slowly backed up, "but I will just use Dean's." You then started towards the living room, leaving Sam alone.

"Thanks for the warning Dean." He snapped as he glared at his elder brother.

"I tried man, I couldn't stop her."

"It's fine, she was going to find out later." Sam breathed as he ran after you, to see you sitting on the couch, your leg bouncing and your eyes fixed on the floor as you covered your mouth. He slowly exhaled and sat beside you, "[Y\N]?" He asked placing a hand on your leg, causing you to look at him.

"Sammy." Her eyes were brimming with tears.

"Listen, I love you. I always have, even when you were dating that one douche..."

"Matthew." You chuckled, remembering how he was so scared that Sam would kill him.

"Yea, I mean when Bobby said he was going to recommend us to a hunter, I never thought it would be a badass like you. I was so nervous to even ask you on that date after that werewolf case. I am so glad you said yes, and that you were ok with Dean coming on the date too. I have fallen more in love with you everyday and I want to continue for the rest of my life. And I am ok if you say no but I just ask that you..."

"Yes." You whispered

"say.... Wait did you just say.."

"Yes, I love you so much Sam, and I would love to spend the rest of my hunter's life with you."

"Okay." He whispered as he slowly took the box back out and handed it to you. You slowly opened it and looked at him, "I love it."

"I love you." He pulled you close and kissed your temple as you slowly put it on and looked at it.

"I love you too."

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