Imagine Life Without Him

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You slowly opened your eyes to the morning sun, the room was completely silent, and empty as you adjusted to the new day. And while you were used to sleeping alone some nights, today was the day you realized you would never fight to get out of bed again....

As you opened your eyes you could hear the world outside coming to life, the birds were chirping and there was a slight breeze rustling the leaves outside your window. The room was dark still, and peacefully quiet until a loud snore filled the space. A smile came to your face as you rolled over, to look at the bearded beast in your bed. You admired every small detail of him, the slight crowfeet by his eyes, the bed head which was once his well kept mane, the way his mouth was slightly curling up in a smile, as a small trail of drool left his very kissable lips.

As you watched the smile form, you could feel his muscular, tattooed arms pull you closer to him, a smile meeting your own as his deep, morning voice filled the room in a whisper, "You know you should just take a picture, it would last longer."

"Baby, why would I need a picture when I can just look at the real thing for the rest of my life." He chuckled as you placed a cold hand on his overheated bare chest, your fingers landing perfectly on the A in his tattoo.

It was then you tried to push up, in an attempt to get dressed for the busy day ahead of you, however his arms tightened around you, making it near impossible.

"Opie." You whispered, "baby I gotta go."

"It's 6:30." He whined as he rolled over, pinning your body to the bed as he nestled into your shoulder, tickling you with the hairs of his pirate beard.

"I know baby, and pretty soon the other man in my life will walk in his office, and be very upset his secretary isn't at her desk. And then he will have to call here, and I will have to get up then and explain that my oversized biker teddy bear of a boyfriend pinned me to the bed because he needed some more cuddles in his life. Then all of Charming will find out how the big, bad giant known as Harry Winston is really just a badass softie in leather."

You felt his chest vibrate on top of you as your fingers began tracing the Sons tattoo on his back, a smile pulling on your lips as he slightly pushed himself up, creating a small gap between you both, not enough for you to escape, but just enough so that he could look at you.

"Well we can't have that now can we? However we can just stay here 'till 7, and you can get ready then." He bargained.

"You have a deal Winston." You smiled, as he leaned forward just enough to touch his lips to yours and give you a quick kiss before laying back down, and pulling you as close as he could.

You pulled on a pair of his sweats, your torso covered in nothing but a sports bra as you entered the already busy kitchen. Gemma was standing at the stove, a frying pan of French toast in front of her sizzled away, as she listened to whatever story Ellie was telling her. When you first came to TM you were a little bit impressed by her, however you weren't sure you could ever see yourself being friends with someone like her. And sure when you and Opie first started dating you were nice to her, fearing you would be torn to shreds if you pissed off the queen. However that outlook changed the first night you and Opie actually slept together. You felt the mattress bounce beneath you as Opie flopped onto it, the pants of you both filling the small dorm as a thin layer of sweat glistened over your bodies.

As you both looked at the ceiling,regaining normal breathing patterns he whispered, more to himself then you, "I have to thank Gemma tomorrow for sure."

"Why? Gemma wasn't the one who just made you ejaculate." You panted, your head turning to look at him as he did the same.

"No but she is the one who told me to ask you out tonight, her exact wording was 'Baby if you let that beautiful lady whose car you are working on, and who you have been gawking over since she got her walk out of this lot without your phone number and an invite to the party tomorrow, I might have to have Clay make your life hell'."

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