Deal (Dean)

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"Are you ok?" Bobby said in a hushed voice
"I'm fine Bobby." Dean growled
"You just yelled at Sammy for saying that earlier."
"Yea well I'm not battling Hell inside my head or seeing freaking Lucifer, now am I?"
"No but if I remember correctly you just lost your best friend, your brother is over the edge and have I mentioned that you also are still not over losing Lisa or Ben."
"Well I'm fantastic Bobby, just fantastic." He rolled his eyes
"Does it make you...."
"Don't Bobby, I'm not talking about her." He stormed off as Bobby just looked at the doorway he left through, wondering when Dean would be able to talk about you.

~2-3 years earlier~

"Crowley!" You screamed 

"Yes my dear."
"I need a favor?"
"Anything love?"
"I need you to convince the angels to save Dean."
"Oh don't bullshit me Crowley, we both know the real reason Lucifer wanted Dean in Hell. The true vessel right?"
"Well I don't know what you are..."
"Dean's soul for mine." You interrupted
"Give me back Dean, perfectly intact and you get me, in a year."
"Doesn't work like that Darling. For dear old Dean I want more." He smiled as you though about your options, an only one came to mind
"Dean soul and I am yours."
"Excuse me?" He was surprised by your offer
"Oh please don't act like I haven't seen you looking at my boobs, you are just like Dean." You laughed, "check a girl out but act like you weren't, so do we have a deal?"
"How long?" He whispered
"Right now, you go convince them now, tell them their vessel of Michael is in Hell, and you get a queen."
"You are willing to do this for one man?"
"I would. Now save him or no deal."
"Deal." His lips pressed against yours as a tear found its way down your check.

~Present time~

"So what now?" Bobby looked at Dean the next day, "I mean we can't just leave him alone with Lucifer having a hay day in his head."

"We try to help him, you stay here, I'll check it out." Dean started towards the door.
"Wait Dean." He called after the boy he viewed as his son, "You gotta talk about this."
"Talk about what Bobby?"
"The fact that just last week you saw your little sister about to open up purgatory with the freaking King of Hell and Rafael?"
"Like I said I'm fine." He said as he hurried off.

"So Leviathan is running around in the world now?" You asked your husband as he sat on the bed, fixing his tie

"Yes, thanks to our friendly angel."

"Well Castiel did have the best intentions. I mean attempting to decrease Hell is not reasonable, I mean he must have assumed it would have failed but the rest makes sense."
"Well I am assuming the Winchesters have it handled, so it is back to ruling my love." He lightly kissed your cheek as you rolled off the bed, the hem of your dress hitting the floor.
"You mind if I go look on Earth, I enjoyed our small camping trip and would like to take another. But I want to pick the location?"
"Anything you want my Queen." He smiled unaware that your true intentions were to find Bobby Singer.

There you were knocking on the peeling door, waiting as the moments trickled by. 

"Whatever it is, we ain't buying!" You heard the familiar voice yell
"What about an old friend?" You replied back
The door clicked and you were pulled into a fast, rib crushing hug.
"What are you doing here?"
"Well seeing if you need help? I may be queen of Hell but I still remember how the Hell to hunt."
"Well you wanna babysit for me?"
"Bobby, what are you saying?"
"I'm sure you know all about Sammy and..."
"The pit, yea. Castiel told me he broke the wall in his head."
"Well Sammy has gone over the edge and we want to keep him from acting, you know reckless."
"So watch out for Sammy, got it."
"Thanks, and if Dean comes don't be shocked if he just stares."
"Or he'll just pull the gun on me and call me Demon scum." You whispered remembering how it used to be.

~Seven years back~

"Sammy's gone! What am I suppose to do, Dad won't even look at me." Dean said through tears as he wiped them away on your dirty motel bed. You sat in front of him, your hand resting on his knee.
"I had one job sweet pea , and I failed."
"You didn't fail Dean, you can't stop the ineffable, Sammy was always the one who was going to leave the pack. You and me were too loyal to Pops to leave. He will come around when he figures that out. Now just stop crying and let's go drink the pain away." You smiled as his face lit up, "you know, for a little sister you aren't as annoying as I thought you were when we were little."
"Yea jerk."

~A year before he went to Hell~

"HOW LONG!" You yelled, you had just figured out about the deal, knowing Crowley would never give Dean ten year.
"A year." He whispered
"A fucking Year! Batman you really are an idjit sometimes."
"You know something smurfette you would have done the same thing."
"I tried, by my demon bitch told me someone already claimed the prize."
"Well now you gotta look out for Sammy, solo."
"Unlike you I'm not freaking Hans, I'm more of a Frodo."
"Well you gotta promise me..."
"Pops trained us to take orders and they have always been..."
"Watch out for Sammy.
"i get why you did it, following the orders of a dead man, but whose going to watch out for me, who is going to sing the classics with me, or watch bad tv, or drink the amount to kill our livers with me?"
"Guess ya gotta find a new drinking buddy, maybe."
You lounged at his chest and gripped him tightly, tears rolling down your face, "I don't know if I can do this alone Batman."
"You gotta smurfette, for me. And don't try to save me."
"I promise." You whispered, knowing you would break it.

~present time~

"Sammy I need your help." Dean started as he opened the door, his jaw dropping the moment he laid eyes on you.
"Hey Batman."
"Smurfette, what the hell are you doing here?"
"Watching out for Sammy."
"Oh now you can, but you couldn't when he was in the damn box."
"I tried! I begged Crowley to let me save him, get him away from the damn loonies. HE WON'T LET ME! I couldn't do anything!"
"Well we don't need you, so if you don't mind, we have work to do."

"Great I'm coming with."

"No, family only. As far as I am concerned you are dead to this family."

You saw past the words though, saw the hurt and the pain you caused him, heard the voice crack as he said it, saw the tears slowly forming and all you could do was whisper, "I love you Batman." as they walked away.

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