Give me Christmas or let me hunt

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"For the last time [Y/N], you are not going." Dean snapped as you dropped your duffle.
"And remind me again Winchester, why not?"
"Simple, because it is too dangerous. And I am not putting my future sister in danger."
"Well what does Sammy think?" Your arms crossed in front of you as your knee bended slightly.
"I say, that you are staying here, and when we get back I will make it up to you however you like." Sam came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you.
"Well are you letting Cas..."
"Cas is going to help us find out what it is, he might be able to use his Angel mojo to smit them." Sam answered as Dean left the bunker.
"Well I don't like it." You grumbled.
"He just wants to keep you safe, like he said, you are like his little sister and come the near future you will be his official sister in law. Which means he feels like it is his responsibility to take care of you."
"I have proved myself..."
"I know but we both agreed you should stay here. Now I have to go, I'll call you when we check in. I love you."
"I love you too." You said leaning forward and kissing him.
"Goodbye future Mrs."
"Goodbye Mr. Winchester."
And with that he was gone and you knew exactly what you were going to do.

"Dean I think we should decorate this year." I said as we were reading some lore books.
"Why not?"
"Because Christmas is stupid."
"Well why do you think that?"
"It gets in the way of hunting, so there is no real point to celebrate."
"Are you sure I can't?"
"Yea, I'm 100% positive."
"What about a tree?"
"Too messy."
"Well Sammy said..."
"I said no, now I may not be your boyfriend but I love here too and I said no."
"But Dean it would be..."

It was a week before the boys came back, and you were sitting on the couch watching Christmas movies, when you heard it, "[Y/N], WHY IS THERE A..." Then silence until you heard Sam go, "woah."
You got up and looked up the stairs, it was incredible you thought, you had spend the whole week decking the place out for the holiday season, you ever convinced Garth to help you move a tree into the open space by the stairs. The house smelled of cookies, the lights were all lit and everything was perfect, even the boys reactions, Sammy in awe and Dean trying to fight back the smile threating to spread across his face.
"Sam said you guys would make it up to me, so this is what I want."
"[Y/N] this is going to be a bitch to take down." Sam said as he admired the ribbon decorated banisher that had little ornament hanging off it. Dean however just looked at the tree, a smile spread across his face at the sight.
"It was a bitch to put up but I figured it was worth it, to see the smile on your faces."
"Well I said you couldn't...."
"And you said I couldn't go on the hunt so now we are even."
"I... I...."
"Just shut up Winchester and come get some pie." You smiled as you took Sam's hand and left Dean baffled.

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