You put the ring in the burger?

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You were laying across the bed, your arm laid across the broad chest as his were intwined around yours, your legs tangled under the sheets as your head was nestled in the croak of his neck. You could feel sleep leaving you as the alarm next to you loudly went off. You could feel him stirring beneath you as you slowly reached your hand out to shut it up before returning to your previous state of comfort.

"Darlin' you gotta get to work." His Louisiana accent encased you as you tried burying your head farther into his shoulder.

"Just two more hours." You softly groaned

"As much as I would love that, you..."

"Have a duty to save some people while you gotta go work at the diner." You lifted your head and looked into his eyes, his gorgeous crystal blue orbs scanning your face over as you finished his sentence.

"Yes ma'am. However I am a man of taking opportunities when they arrive and I can not let this opportunity go." He whispered before his lips crashed into yours, his hand sliding down your bare side slowly as your hands went into his hair.

"DEAN!" You screamed when you saw him at the spot he told you to meet him in Louisiana, you went sprinting towards his dirty covered body as you collided with his chest, but you didn't care. This was your older brother, who you loved and never stopped looking for, even though Sam did. He wrapped his arms around you as you gripped him tighter, tears streaming down your face. 

"Hey kid." He whispered as he held you tighter.

"Where have you been?" You asked

"Purgatory. I lost Cas." He choked out as you pulled back, meeting his green eyes as a tear slowly ran down his dirt filled face, and then you saw him, he was tall and slightly cleaner then Dean's.

He was a bit chubby and had some facial hair, he was dressed in an outfit resembling a outfit seen in the 1920's or 30's. But what really caught your eyes where his own eyes, they were crystal blue, you wanted to dive into them like they were pools and you were so fascinated by them that you didn't even hear him talk, it was Dean who pulled you back into reality, " Oh Benny this is [Y/N], my little sister, [y/n] this is Benny, he is the reason I am here."

"Well then I must thank you Benny, for bringing my brother back." You smiled as Dean pulled you closer.

"No problem darlin'." He smiled before he looked at Dean, "Well brother, guess this is the end."

"Yea, take care Benny, and don't make me have to hunt ya down."

"I plan on it. Ma'am." He tipped his hat slightly towards you as you smiled. "Benny." And then he was gone, or so you thought.

Hours later Dean was on the phone in the passenger seat of the Impala as you drove his to the cabin. When it rang Dean was telling you all about meeting Benny, since he could tell that you were interested.

"Hey brother."—- "well no she ain't seeing anyone."—– "Well how about you find a way to met us in Kansas and then you two can go out."—- "But you hurt her and trust me, I will end your fanged ass."—- "bye Benny."

He hung the phone up as you looked at him, "Did you just..."

"Benny is comin' over, wants to take you out." You smiled to yourself as you looked back to the road.

The next morning you woke up, hair a mess, no makeup, a tank top and short shorts were the only things coverings your body as you slowly rolled from the quilt covering your bed. You yawned and slowly dragged your feet towards the coffee. As you entered the main area of the house you yawned and slowly rubbed the sleep from your eyes, "morning Dean, Morning Sam, Morning Benny."

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