Oh My Stars it doesn't have to Do with Supernatural!

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"Did you hear about the new attraction in town?" One of the waitresses asked as you cleaned the counter off.
"Do you mean the new movie at the theatre?"
"No [Y/N], the freak show." She whispered.
"Well I can tell you I will not be attending." I replied.
"Neither will I." She answered.
"Well why not?" A customer asked, his hands gloved and a cap covering his brown locks, his eyes and smile sparkled as I glanced over to him.
"Well simple they are freaks, they are vile, and disgusting and downright disturbing." She voiced, causing the smile on his face to fall.
"Well how do you know? Have you ever seen one?"
"Well no, I haven't, people like them, they just ain't right."
"Mary Beth." You hissed at her, "that is by far the most vile thing I have ever heard."
"Well it is true."
"Well why won't you attend?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Simple, I hate how we find the differences of other entertaining. I hate how we treat them differently just because they look different then us. I think it is sad that we live in a society where we can't just accept everyone for who they are, and we have to create freak shows just to remind us how glad we are to be normal."
"Now that's not an answer you hear everyday." He said.
"Well I mean I think..."
"Mary Beth, go clean some dishes before I drag you back there myself."
"Fine." She huffed as she stormed to the back.
"I have to apologize for Mary Beth, she is a fine girl, just doesn't know when to shut her mouth."
"It's fine, I would love to hear some more about you though."
"Well I mean I am about to go on break, care to join?"
"I would love to but first may I ask one question?"
"Go ahead." You rested both hand out on either side of you, you looked at him, with curiosity in the eyes.
"Well what do you suggest cherry or apple pie?"

You sat on the bench, a cigarette in hand as The man inside joined you, "you know those are as bad as the hooch?"
"Well then keep 'em both coming sugar." You smiled at him, he just giggled and shook his head.
"You know sugar..."
"[Y/N], the name is [Y/N]."
"Well you know something [Y/N], I have never seen someone like you in all my life."
"Well maybe you looking in the right places." You took a drag and blew the cloud into the air.
"So tell me mister, what is your name?"
"Jimmy.... Jimmy Darling."
"So tell me Jimmy, why is it that you care about what we thought of the freak show?"
"Well would you believe me if I told ya?"
"Depends, what's under the gloves?"
"Well you see my gloves hid the side of me that is judged and ridiculed, Hell they have caused more pain then good."
"So are you in the show?"
"Lobster Boy himself." he lifted his cap up a bit and then brought it back down.
"So then why wear the gloves?"
"Let me tell ya a story, we were in in Wisconsin all summer, the boss decided to extend our stay, well when she did that our winter spot fell through causing us to spend all winter there too, which don't get me wrong, we all loved it, some of the guys even got to see their first snow, however by January we were sick of it. However thoughs few months were the best I ever had, to everyone else I was just a guy wearing some gloves, I got to pretend that I was like every other guy, instead of being the guy who wore gloves all year so that he could be part of the world, go out, talk to women, eat at diners."
"Diner food can't be that great?"
"Well I mean, if I didn't like diner food, I wouldn't be here, talking to a beautiful woman."
"Can I see them?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well sweetie, I want to see your hands?"
"Well I want to see them, because I feel like you shouldn't have to wear the gloves. I think it is terribly unfair that you are forced to wear these gloves because your hands are different and I would like you to be able to just sit here for the next five minutes and not need gloves to feel normal. As far as they know, we are just two people on a bench talking."
"Well I guess since a pretty girl asked." He smiled at you, and then slipped the gloves off, revealing his hands.
"Oh my, they are beautiful, how could anyone hate hands like these?"
"Because they are different darling, and different is scary, just like you said. "
"So what do you like Darling?"
"Well..." And there it started, you sat on that bench and talked like normal people, anything having to do with freaks faded away. Even Jimmy seemed to forget, and by the end of it, you had made a great new friend, named Jimmy Darling.

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